Board of Commissioners meeting archive

This page contains meeting agendas and minutes for a variety of Columbia County committees

Columbia County Board of Commissioners - For 2020 agendas, minutes, audio and video, visit our main calendar and view by list and month. This page contains an archive of weekly meetings and work sessions from 2018 and 2019.

Columbia County Budget Committee - The Columbia County Budget Committee reviews the county’s proposed annual budget as well as the budget for the Columbia County Development Agency. 

Columbia County Development Agency - The Columbia County Development Agency was formed in 2001 as the county’s urban renewal agency. CCDA's main activity is managing the Port Westward Urban Renewal Plan. 

Columbia County 4-H/OSU Extension Service - 4‑H is delivered by Oregon State University's Extension Services. 4-H provides young people the opportunity to gain experience in a variety of ways and to contribute to their communities.

MeadowView Lighting District - MeadowView Service District SDL-1 is a special assessment district for street lighting in the Warren area. 

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2024 - Agenda, Minutes, and Videos are on the calendar!
Orders Resolutions

1-2024 In the Matter of Appointing Dr. Cliff Nelson as the Columbia County District Medical Examiner.pdf 

2-2024 In the Matter of the Appeal of the Approval of the Application of Agnes Marie Petersen for an Eight Lot Subdivision in the Forest Agriculture (FA-80) Zone.pdf 

3-2024 In the Matter of Declaring a Local Emergency as a Result of the Winter Storms of November15th, 2023 to January 17, 2024.pdf 

4-2024 Initiating Vacation of a Portion of Mayger Fill Road.pdf 

6-2024 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Excessive Force Policy.pdf 

7-2024, In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Oleoresin Capsicum Aerosol Policy.pdf 

8-2024 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Volunteer Policy.pdf 

9-2024 In the Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Jail Local Option Tax Levy for Four Years.pdf 

10-2024, In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Emergency Operations Plan.pdf 

11-2024 In the Matter of the Vacation of a Portion of Mayger Fill Road located in Section 19, Township 8 North, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, near Clatskanie in Columbia County, Oregon.pdf 

13-2024 In the Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf 

15-2024 In the Matter of Amending Fee Schedules for Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Other Misc Permits under the Building Inspection Program; On-Site Wastewater Program Fees; and Planning Program Fees.pdf 

16-2024 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2) [2024 Distribution- Mist Gas Field Revenues]

17-2024 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2) [2024 Distribution- Mist Gas Field Revenues]

18-2024 In the Matter of the Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275.275 2024 Distribution Gas & Land Sales

19-2024 In the Matter of Authorizing the Approval and Execution of a Personal Services Contract Utilizing the Direct Appointment Procedure with Jensen Partners.pdf 

20-2024 In the Matter of the Corrective Action Plan for the FY2023 Audit.pdf 

22-2024 In the Matter of Granting the Oregon Department of Transportation a Temporary Construction Easement for the Construction of a Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Highway 47 and Heather Lane in Vernonia.pdf 

23-2024, “In the Matter of the Application by Next Renewable Fuels, LLC for a Site Design Review Modification to an Approved Renewable Diesel Production Facility at Port Westward (DR 21-03 MOD.pdf 

24-2024, “In the Matter of the Application by Next Renewable Fuels, LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for a Rail Branchline in the Primary Agriculture (PA-80) Zone Near Port Westward (CU 23-11).pdf 

25-2024 In the Matter of Approving FY 2024-2025 Solid Waste Collection Rates

26-2024 In the Matter of the Adoption of the Columbia County Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf 

27-2024 In the Matter of the Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues [2024 Distribution].pdf 

28-2024 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories In the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget- Supplemental Budget #3.pdf 

29-2024 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget- Supplemental Budget #4.pdf

30-2024 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget- Supplemental Budget #5.pdf 

31-2024 In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- FY25 Donations.pdf 

32-2024 In the Matter of Amending the Columbia County Field Worker Safety Policy.pdf 

33-2024 In the Matter of Appointing Teri Powers as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf 

34-2024 In the Matter of Appointing Diana Shera Taylor as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf 

35-2024 In the Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Jail Local Option Tax Levy for Four Years.pdf 

36-2024 In the Matter of Designating Mike Russell as the Person Authorized to Sign all Forms and Documents Required to Make Application for a State of Oregon Hazard Mitigation Grant-Post Fire.pdf 

37-2024 In the Matter of the Approval of a Schedule 4 to the Master Lease Purchase Agreement with Lease Servicing Center, Inc. dba NCL Government Capital.pdf 

38-2024 In the Matter of the Approval of a Schedule 5 to the Master Lease Purchase Agreement with Lease Servicing Center, Inc. dba NCL Government Capital.pdf 

39-2024, REDACTED In the Matter of the Livestock Attack by a Dog Owned by Daniel Buckwalter and Morgan Anderson.pdf 

40-2024 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget-Veterans Services.pdf 

41-2024 In the Matter of the Petition by Derek Reaney to Name a New Private Road Located off Walker Road Foxglove Lane.pdf 

42-2024 In the Matter of Adopting the Updated Columbia County Emergency Operations Plan.pdf 

43-2024 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Mass Care and Sheltering Plan.pdf 

44-2024 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Strategic Plan.pdf 

46-2024 In the Matter of Accepting a Relinquishment Deed from the State of Oregon for Right-of-Way on Meissner Road.pdf 

47-2024 In the Matter of Designating a Newspaper of General Circulation and Newspaper of Record.pdf 

48-2024 In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- Columbia County Economic Team.pdf 

49-2024 In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- Columbia-Pacific Economic Development District of Oregon, Inc.pdf 

51-2024 In the Matter of Adopting a Federal Grant Indirect Rate for All Federal Awards.pdf 

Rescind-51-2024 In the Matter of Adopting a Facility Use Policy for the John Gumm Building and Civic Center.pdf 

52-2024 In the Matter of Adopting a Facility Use Policy for the John Gumm Building and Civic Center.pdf 

54-2024 In the Matter of the Transfer of Jurisdiction Over a Portion of Three Roads Located Within the City Limits of the City of St Helens.pdf 

55-2024 In the Matter of the Petition of Agnes Marie Petersen to Name a New Private Road Located off Tide Creek Road Deadeye Drive.pdf 

56-2024 In the Matter of an Examination of the Columbia County Jail to Determine the Maximum Number of Adults in Custody.pdf 

57-2024 In the Matter of Accepting the Dedication of Additional Right of Way for Millard Road from Mary Ann Pinon and Robert Pinon.pdf 

58-2024 In the Matter of Conveying Permanent and Temporary Easements to the Oregon Department of Transportation for its Highway 47 Messing Creek Bridge Project.pdf 

59-2024 In the Matter of Granting an Easement and Equitable Servitudes to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality for the Johnson Oil Remediation Project.pdf 

60-2024 In the Matter of Distributing Strategic Investment Program SIP Payments for FY 2025.pdf 

61-2024 In the Matter of Granting a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Metro West Ambulance Services, Inc for Service Area 7.pdf 

62-2024 In the Matter of Granting a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Scappoose Rural Fire District for Service Area 2.pdf 

63-2024 In the Matter of Granting a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Columbia River Fire and Rescue for Service Area 3.pdf 

64-2024 In the Matter of Granting a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Columbia River Fire and Rescue for Service Area 4.pdf 

65-2024 In the Matter of Granting a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Clatskanie Rural Fire Protection District for Service Area 5.pdf 

65-2024 In the Matter of Granting a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Clatskanie Rural Fire Protection District for Service Area 5.pdf 

68-2024 In the Matter of Conveying an Easement to West Oregon Electric Cooperative, Inc., for the Use of a Portion of Certain County-Owned Real Property Known as.pdf 

2023 - Agenda, Minutes, and Videos are on the calendar!
Orders Resolutions

1-2023, In the Matter of the Application of Voris D. and Mildred C. Probst Revocable Living Trust for a Property Line Adjustment and Minor Partition of a 7.84 Property in the Rural Residential (RR-2) Zone.pdf 

2-2023 In the Matter of Prohibiting the Parking of Vehicles Along Certain Public or County Roads in Columbia County.pdf 

3-2023 In the Matter of Authorizing the Application for a Community Renewable Energy Grant.pdf 

4-2023 Order In the Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Law Enforcement Local Option Tax.pdf 

5-2023, In the Matter of Adopting the 2023 Columbia County Integrated Preparedness Plan(1).pdf 

7-2023 In the Matter of Maintaining Funding for Law Enforcement Purposes.pdf 

8-2023, In the Matter of the Appeal of the Approval of the Application by Timothy and Tamara Carleton for a Single-Family Forest Template Dwelling in the Primary Forest (PF-80) Zone.pdf 

9-2023 In the Matter of the Approval of Schedule Two to Master Lease Purchase Agreement with Lease Servicing Center, Inc. dba NCL Government Capital.pdf 

11-2023 In the Matter of Appointing the Columbia County Sheriff as the Supervisory Authority.pdf 

12-2023 In the Matter of the Appeal of the Denial of the Application by Zack Watson.pdf 

13-2023 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Scappoose, Oregon, to Johanna Myers, Trustee of the Myers Family Trust Tax Map ID No. 4N2W27-CO-00700 and Tax Account No. 8186.pdf 

14-2023 In the Matter of a Special Procurement for a Contract to Provide Logging Services.pdf 

15-2023 In the Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant (2023).pdf 

16-2023, In the Matter of the Petition by Sally J. Perkins to Name a New Private Road Located off Apiary Road “Perkins Drive.pdf 

17-2023 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Vernonia, Oregon, to Zephaniah Emmons and Lindsay Emmons Tax Map ID No. 5N4W23-CA-00900 and Tax Account No. 24460.pdf 

18-2023 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Fraud Ethics Compliance Hotline Policy.pdf 

23-2023, In the Matter of Appointing Inaugural Members to the Columbia County Museums Commission.pdf 

24-2023 Order In the Matter of Establishing a Temporary Emergency Speed for a Portion of Colvin Road.pdf 

26-2023 In the Matter of Concerns Regarding the Oregon Department of Forestry Western Habitat Conservation Plan.pdf 

27-2023 In the Matter of Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection Services and Commercial Drop Box Service for Franchise Areas Covering Unincorporated Columbia County.pdf 

28-2023In the Matter of Adopting a Fee Schedule for Food Pool and Lodging Services and Licenses.pdf 

29-2023 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2) [2023 Distribution].pdf 

30-2023 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2) [2023 Distribution].pdf 

31-2023 In the Matter of the Adoption of the Columbia County Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf 

32-2023 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories In the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget- PERS Accounting Correction.pdf 

33-2023 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget- Payroll Costs.pdf 

34-2023 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories In the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget- Misc..pdf 

35-2023 In the Matter of the Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275 275 2023 Distribution Gas and Land Sales.pdf 

36-2023, In the Matter of the Appeal of the Approval of the Application by Timothy and Tamara Carleton on Reconsideration for a Single-Family Forest Template Dwelling in the Primary Forest (PF-80) Zone.pdf 

37-2023, In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes-FY24 Donations.pdf 

37- 2023 Amended In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- FY 24 Donations (Amended to correct conditions of donation to Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership).pdf 

38-2023 In the Matter of the Approval of Schedule Three to Master Lease Purchase Agreement with Lease Servicing Center, Inc. dba NCL Government Capital.pdf 

39-2023 In the Matter of Designating the Columbia County Sheriff and the Director of the Department of Community Justice.pdf 

40-2023 In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of Funds for Public Purposes- FY 24 Donation.pdf 

41-2023, In the Matter of Authorizing and Expressing Support for the Application for a Department of Land Conservation and Development 2023-25 Housing Planning.pdf 

42-2023 Order In the Matter of Updating Columbia County Rider’s Policies and Procedures for Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.pdf 

43-2023 Order In the Matter of Amending Columbia County’s Policies and Procedures for Compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.pdf 

44-2023 In the Matter of Amending Fee Schedules for Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Other Miscellaneous Permits under the Building Inspection Program; On-Site Wastewater Program Fees; and Planning Program Fees.pdf 

45-2023, In the Matter of an Alleged Nuisance at the Property of Samuel A. Owen Located at 26623 Cannon Road Rainier, Oregon and with Tax No. 7314-DO-01400.pdf 

46-2023 In the Matter of Supporting Assisted Housing Programs and Furthering Fair Housing in Columbia County.pdf 

47-2023 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget- Veterans Services.pdf 

48-2023 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Naloxone Policy.pdf 

49-2023 In the Matter of Closure of Road No 1131 to Heavy Hauling; Limiting Maximum Weight to 10,000 lbs.pdf 

Rescind Board Order 49-2023 In the Matter of Closure of Road No. 1131 to Heavy Hauling, Limiting Maximum Weight to 10,000 Pounds dated September 20,2023.pdf 

50-2023 In the Matter of Closure of Road No. 2017 To Heavy Hauling; Limiting Maximum Weight To 10,000 Pounds.pdf 

51-2023 In the Matter of Closure of Road No. 1137 To Heavy Hauling; Limiting Maximum Weight To 10,000 Pounds.pdf 

52-2023 In the Matter of Closure of Road No. 2013 To Heavy Hauling; Limiting Maximum Weight To 10,000 Pounds.pdf 

53-2023 authorizing the application for a county opportunity grant to construct a playground at camp wilkerson.pdf. 

54-2023 Appointing Teri Powers as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf 

55-2023 Appointing Jim Gibson as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf 

56-2023 Extending the Temporary Speed Limit for a Portion of Colvin Rd..pdf 

57-2023 Adopting 2023-2025 Columbia County Community Corrections Biennial Plan.pdf 

59-2023 In the Matter of Approving the Corrective Action Plan for the FY 2022 Audit.pdf 

60-2023 In the Matter of Amending the County Fee Schedule for the Department of Community Justice-Adult.pdf 

61-2023 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Department of Community Justice-Adult Oleoresin Capsicum Policy.pdf 

62-2023 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Budget-PERS Accounting Correction.pdf 

63-2023 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Department of Community Justice -Adult Use of Force Policy.pdf 

64 -2023 In the Matter of Exempting a Personal Services Contract for the Provision of Medical and Mental Health Services in the Columbia County Jail from the Screening and Selection Procedures of the Persona-2.pdf 

65-2023 In the Matter of Declaring an Emergency Closing Apiary Road at MP 11.8 and Authorizing the Award of a Public Contract for Emergency Construction and Repair Work.pdf

66-2023 In the Matter of Reimbursing Public Agencies in Columbia County for Costs Related to the Hood to Coast Relay 2023.pdf 

68-2023 In the Matter of a One-Year Extension for Ambulance Service Area Franchises.pdf 

69-2023 In the Matter of Acquiring Permanent Right of Way and Temporary Construction Easements Necessary to Replace the Bridge.pdf 

70-2023 In the Matter of Approving a Sole Source Procurement for Vanpool Services.pdf 

71-2023 In the Matter of Distributing Strategic Investment Program SIP Payments for FY 24.pdf 

2022 - Agendas, Minutes, and Video's are on the calendar!
Orders Resolution

1-2022, In the Matter of Declaring Certain Personal Property Owned by Columbia County to be Surplus to the County’s Needs and Directing the Disposal or Sale Thereof.pdf

2-2022, In the Matter of Declaring Certain Personal Property Owned by Columbia County to be Surplus to the County’s Needs and Directing the Disposal or Sale Thereof (General Services Vehicles).pdf

3-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Property in Clatskanie, Oregon to Caseman Thompson Map ID No. 8N4W27-DC-00800 and Tax Account No. 28267.pdf

4-2022 In the Matter of Distributing Strategic Investment Program (SIP) Payments for 2022.pdf

5-2022 Resolution In the Matter of Adopting the 2020 Columbia County Multi Jurisdiction Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.pdf 

6-2022 Order In the Matter of Directing the Sale of Real Property Acquired by Columbia County.pdf 

7-2022, In the Matter of Adopting the Fleet Replacement Plan for the Columbia County Public Works Department.pdf

8- 2022 In the Matter of Adopting Findings Concerning the Feasibility of Using the County’s Personnel and Resources to Operate Columbia County Rider (CC Rider).pdf

9- 2022 Order In the Matter of Amending Policies and Procedures for Compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.pdf 

10-2022 In the Matter of Repealing a Temporary Policy Limiting Unmasked Access to County Facilities in Response to Covid-19.pdf 

12-2022 In the Matter of the Application by NEXT Renewable Fuels Oregon, LLC for a Use Permitted Under Prescribed Conditions, Site Design Review and Variance for a Renewable Diesel Production Facility at Port Westward (DR 21-03; V21-0.pdf 

13-2022 In the Matter of the Application by NEXT Renewable Fuels LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for a Rail Branchline in the Primary Agriculture (PA-80) Zone Near Port Westward (CU 21-04).pdf 

14-2022 Resolution In the Matter of the Approval of a Master Lease Purchase Agreement with Lease Servicing Center, Inc. dba NCL Government Capital.pdf 

15-2022 Order In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In Scappoose, Oregon, to Danny Wayne Hackenberg Tax Map ID No.3N2W02-00-00202 and Tax Account No. 5469.pdf 

16-2022 In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- Clatskanie Senior Citizens, Inc. Catering Kitchen.pdf 

17-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In Columbia City, Oregon to William Davis and Karla Davis (Tax Map ID No. 5N1W28-BA-01500).pdf 

18-2022 Resolution In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget .pdf 

19-2022 In the Matter of Designating Persons In Charge for Enforcement of Rules Established for County Property.pdf 

20-2022 Authorizing the Application for a Local Government Grant for Hudson-Parcher Park Playground Renovations.pdf 

21- 2022 Order In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In Vernonia, Oregon, to Zephaniah Emmons and Lindsay Emmons Tax Map Id No. 4N4W05-AD-12900 and Tax Account No. 23353.pdf 

22- 2022 Resolution In the Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant (2022).pdf 

22-2022 Amended Resolution In the Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant (2022).pdf 

23 -2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Vernonia, Oregon, to Edward J. Shingle and Deborah L. Shingle Tax map ID Nos. 4N4W03-BD-1702 and 4N4W03-BD-1703 and Tax Account Nos. 22524 and 22525.pdf 

24-2022 In the Matter of Authorizing the Application for a Local Government Grant for Holce Trailhead Renovations.pdf 

25-2022 In the Matter of Amending Fee Schedules for Building, Electrical, and Other Miscellaneous Permits under the Building Inspection Program; On-Site Wastewater Program Fees; and Planning Program Fees.pdf 

26-2022 In the Matter of Authorizing Extended Enterprise Zone Benefits for a Fourth and Fifth Year to Control Solutions Inc., Located in the South Columbia County Enterprise Zone.pdf 

27-2022 In the Matter of Naming a New Private Road, located off of Chapman Grange Road as Crimson Lane.pdf 

28-2022 In the Matter of Exempting the Contract to Construct a New Public Works Equipment Building from Competitive Bidding and Approving an Alternative Contracting Method.pdf 

29-2022 Order In the Matter of Adopting a Policy for Board Agenda Items.pdf 

30-2022 Order In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- United Way of Columbia CountyDolly Parton Imagination Library.pdf 

31 -2022 In the matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Rainier, Oregon, to Sloan and Jennifer Nelson Tax Map ID No. 7N2W07-CO-00101 and Tax Account No. 22176.pdf 

32-2022 In the matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In St. Helens, Oregon, to Vernonia Properties LLC (Tax Map ID No. 5N2W36-CO-00900 and Tax Account No. 17597).pdf 

33-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Real Property In Rainier, Oregon, to Jason Taylor and Sofia Taylor (Tax Map ID No. 7N2W17-BD-03600 and Tax Account Number 19503.pdf 

34-2022 In the Matter of Impact Fees- Vernonia Fire.pdf 

35-2022 Order In the matter of Impact Fees- Mist-Birkenfeld.pdf 

36-2022 Order In the matter of the distribution of Proceeds under ORS 275.275.pdf 

37-2022 In the Matter of the Adoption of the Columbia County Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf 

38-2022 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget [ARPA].pdf 

39-2022 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget [MISC].pdf 

40-2022 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget.pdf 

41-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In Scappoose, Oregon, to Marsh Family LLC Michael T. Marsh Trustee Tax Map ID No. 4N1W20-00-00800 and Tax Account No. 58757.pdf 

42-2022 Order In the Matter of Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection Rates.pdf 

43-2022 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Personnel Rules.pdf 

44-2022 In the Matter of Appointing a Privacy Officer in Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.pdf 

45-2022 In the Matter of Approving the Application for a Community Renewable Energy Grant.pdf 

46-2022 In the Matter of the Exempting of a Proposed Paving Contract from the Bonding Requirements of ORS 279C.380.pdf 

48-2022 In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes- FY23 Budgeted Donations.pdf 

49-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Rainier, Oregon, to Woodburn Industrial Capital Group, LLC Tax Map ID No. 6N2W11-AA-00700 and Tax Account No. 19317.pdf 

50-2022 In the Matter of Livestock Attack by a Dog Owned by the City of Portland and Chris Verbout as its Handler.pdf 

51-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Vernonia, Oregon, to Reo Gargovich Tax Map ID No. 4N4W03-BC-09100 and Tax Account No. 22478.pdf 

52-2022 In the Matter of the Petition by Jeff Hoag to Name a New Private Road Located off of Gibbs Road as Monster Mountain Drive.pdf 

53-2022 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Microsoft 365 Policy.pdf 

54-2022 In the Matter of Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget- Veterans Services.pdf 

55-2022 Authorize the Application for a County Opportunity Grant from the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for Playground Improvements at Prescott Beach Park.pdf 

57-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In St. Helens, Oregon to Troy Laird Tax Map ID No. 4N1W04-AD-3300 and Tax Account No. 10179.pdf 

58-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Scappoose, Oregon, to Scott Sylvester and Roman V. Nokokhatniy Tax Map ID No. 3N2W24-BC-0433 and Tax Account No. 7215.pdf 

59-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Prperty In Vernonia, Oregon, to Erica Johansen and Scott Andreae Tax Map ID No. 4N4W03-BC-08200 and Tax Account No. 2247.pdf 

60-2022 In the Matter of Exempting the Contract to Construct Fairground Improvements from Competitive Bidding and Approving an Alternative Contracting Method.pdf 

61-2022 In the Matter of the Appointment of Teri Powers as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf 

62-2022 In the Matter of the Appointment of Jim Gibson as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf 

63-2022 Order In the Matter of Allocating County Funds for Public Purposes- SAFE of Columbia County and Every Child Columbia County.pdf 

64-2022 Order In the Matter of a One-Year Extension for Ambulance Service Area Franchises.pdf 

66-2022 In the Matter of Exempting the Contract for Court Facilities Improvements.pdf 

67-2022 In the Matter of Exempting the Contract to Remodel the John Gumm.pdf 

68-2022 In the Matter of Adopting Service Reductions for Columbia County Rider Transportation.pdf 

69-2022 In the Matter of Accepting the Dedication of Additional Right of Way for Firlok Road, from the Columbia County Administrative School District No. 502.pdf 

70-2022 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in St. Helens, Oregon, to 264 S 20th St., LLC Tax Map ID No. 4N4W04-CA-10900 and Tax Account No. 10654.pdf 

71-2022, In the Matter of the Petition by Emmeline Lopez to Name a New Private Road Located off Walker Road near Rainier “Buckles Lane.pdf 

72-2022 In the Matter of Authorizing the Application for a National Park Service Save America's Treasures Grant.pdf 

73-2022 In the Matter of Reimbursing Public Agencies in Columbia County for Costs Related to the Hood to Coast Relay 2022.pdf 

74-2022, In the Matter of Amending the Fees for Columbia County Animal Control Services.pdf 

74-2022, In the Matter of Amending the Fees for Columbia County Animal Control Services.pdf 

75- 2022 In the Matter of Distributing Strategic Investment Program (SIP) Payments for FY23.pdf 

2021 - Agendas, Minutes, and Videos are on the calendar!
Orders Resolution

1 -2021 In the Matter of Authorizing Extended Zone Benefits for a Fourth and Fifth Year to Cascades Tissue Group-Oregon Converting.pdf

2-2021 In the Matter of the Petition by Jim Bunker to Name a New Private Road, located off of Robinette Road, near St. Helens, “Peaceful Valley Drive.pdf

3-2021, Final Order In the Matter of the Administrative Decision by the Land Development Services Director for the Issuance of Land Use Compatibility Statement LUCS 21-15.pdf

4-2021 Order In the Matter of Conveying Certain County Owned Real Property to Dutch Canyon Estates Homeowners' Association.pdf

5-2021 Order In the Matter of Designating the Columbia County Sheriff and the Director of the Department of Community Justice as the Supervisory Authority.pdf

6-2021, In the Matter of the Declaration of a Local State of Emergency Due to COVID-19.pdf

7-2021 In the Matter of Acceleration of Redemption Period.pdf

8 -2021 Order In the Matter of the Vacation of a Portion of Pine Avenue near Scappoose in Columbia County, Oregon.pdf

11-2021, In the Matter of a Livestock Attack by Dogs Owned by Donald Denham.pdf

12-2021, In the Matter of a Livestock Attack by Dogs Owned by Rockie Brecheisen.pdf

13-2021, In the Matter of Accepting a 40-Foot Wide Trail Easement and a 0.37-Acre Park Easement from Holce Logging Co, Inc., for the Expansion of the Crown-Zellerbach Recreational Trail .pdf 

14-2021 Order In the Matter of a Service Exception for Waste Management Customers on Sauvie Island in Columbia County.pdf

15-2021 Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf

16-2021 In the Matter of Amending Fee Schedules for Building, Electrical, and Other Miscellaneous Permits under the Building Inspection Program; On-Site Wastewater Program Fees; and Planning Program Fee.pdf

17-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget In the 2020-2021 FY Budget.pdf

18-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget in the 2020-2021 FY Budget.pdf

19-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget in the 2020-2021 FY Budget.pdf

20-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget in the 20-21 Fiscal Year Budget (Supplemental Budget #7- Cares Act).pdf

21-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget in the 20-21 Fiscal Year Budget (Supplemental Budget #8 - Various Grants.pdf

22-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget In the 20-21 Fiscal Year Budget (Supplemental Budget #9- Sheriff CFA Grant.pdf

23-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget in the 20-21 Fiscal Year Budget (Supplemental Budget #10- Bike and Footpath.pdf

24-2021 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget in the 20-21 Fiscal Year Budget (Supplemental Budget #11 - Public Transit).pdf

25-2021, In the Matter of Adopting Service and Fare Changes for Columbia County Rider Transportation.pdf

27-2021 In the Matter of the Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues (2021).pdf

28-2021 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2) [2021 Distribution- Mist Gas Field Revenues].pdf

29-2021 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2) [2021 Distribution- Mist Gas Field Revenues].pdf

30-2021 In the Matter of the Distribution of Lands and Gas Proceeds [2021 Distribution].pdf

31-2021 In the Matter of the Adoption of the Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Property Taxes.pdf

32-2021 In the Matter of Reallocating between Budget Categories for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.pdf

34-2021 In the Matter of repealing a Temporary Policy Limiting Access to County Facilities In Response to COVID-19.pdf

36-2021 In the Matter of Acquiring the John Gumm School Property from the Olde School Company LLC.pdf

37-2021, In the Matter of Designating the Planning Director for Columbia County during the Absence of a Land Development Services Director.pdf

38-2021, Order In the Matter of the Livestock Attack by Dogs Owned by Melissa Senior.pdf

39-2021, In the Matter of the Petition by Jeff Timberman to Name a New Private Road located off of Hillcrest Drive near Scappoose “Jockey Hill Drive”.pdf

43-2021 In the Matter of a Adopting a Policy Limiting Unmasked Access to County Facilities In Response to COVID-19.pdf

44 -2021 Order In the Matter of Conveying Certain Property in Vernonia, Oregon to Lawrence E. Boxman and Gayle C. Rich-Boxman (Tax Map ID No. 6N5W05-00-00601; Tax Account No. 25206).pdf

45-2021, Order In the Matter of Authorizing Permits to Construct a Gate in the Right of Way of John District Road, Clatskanie.pdf

46-2021, Order In the Matter of the Petition by Alan and Donna Mascord to Name a New Private Road, located off of Bennett Road near St. Helens “Shadyhill Lane”.pdf

47-2021 Resolution In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget .pdf

50-2021, In the Matter of the Claim by Richard Burdett for Damages Resulting from the Killing of a Llama by Dogs Owned by Melissa Senior.pdf

51-2021 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Clatskanie, Oregon to Don Hooper; Map Id No. 7N3W16-BO-01400 and Tax Account Id No. 20792.pdf

52-2021 In the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In Scappoose, Oregon, to Trevor Rogers and Kara Rogers. Tax Map Id Nos. 3N2W-BC-03000 and 3N2W-BC-03100.pdf

53-2021 Order In the Matter of Complying with OAR 333-019-1010; Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Providers and Healthcare Staff.pdf

54-2021 Resolution In the Matter of Recognizing the Second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples' Day.pdf

55-2021 In the Matter of Updating Columbia County Rider’s Policies and Procedures for Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.pdf

56-2021 In the Matter of Appointing Jim Gibson as Justice of the Peace Pro Tempore to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf

57-2021 in the Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Scappoose, Oregon, to Lynn C. Spencer, (Tax Map ID 3N2W11-DB-01200 and Tax Account No. 3177).pdf

58-2021 In the Matter of Adoption of Procedures, Standards and Criteria For the Consideration of Applications for the Waiver of Minimum Employment Requirements for Authorized Business Firms.pdf

62-2021 In the Matter of Appointing Teri powers as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf

65-2021 In the Matter of Declaring Certain Personal Property Owned by Columbia County to be Surplus to the County's Needs and Directing the Disposal or Sale Thereof .pdf

66-2021 In the Matter of the Livestock Attack by a Dog Owned by Corey D. Sargant.pdf

68-2021 In the Matter of Approval of Cascades Tissue’s Request for Modification to Minimum Employment Requirements Due to Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic.pdf

70-2021, In the Matter of a One-Year Extension for Ambulance Service Area Franchises.pdf

71-2021 In the Matter of Authorizing the Allocation of County Funds for Public Purposes.pdf

72-2021, In the Matter of the Petition by Kimberly and Terry Miller to Name a New Private Road, located off of Stone Road, “Memory Lane”.pdf

73-2021, In the Matter of Adopting a Policy for the Columbia County Department of Emergency Management’s Use of Emergency Alert and Warning Systems.pdf

75-2021, In the Matter of Extending the Declaration of a Local State of Emergency Due to COVID-19.pdf

Board Meeting Agenda

01.08.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

01.15.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

01.22.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

01.29.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

02.05.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

02.12.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

02.19.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

02.26.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

03.04.2020 BOC Agenda.pdf

03.18.2020 BOCAgenda.pdf

03.25.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

04.01.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

04.08.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

04.15.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

04.22. 2020 BOC agenda.pdf

04.29.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

05.06.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

05.13.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

05.20.2020 BOC Agenda.pdf

05.27.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

06.03.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

06.10.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

06.17.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

06.24.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

07.08.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

07.15.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

07.22.2020 BOC agneda.pdf

07.29.2020 BOC Agenda.pdf

08.05.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

08.12.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

08.19.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

08.26.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

09.02.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

09.09.2020 BOC agenda .pdf

09.16.2020 BOC agneda.pdf

09.23.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

09.30.2020 BOC meeting.pdf

10.07.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

10.14.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

10.28.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

11.04.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

11.25.2020 BOC Agenda.pdf

12.02.2020 BOC Agenda.pdf

12.09.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

12.16.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

12.23.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

12.30.2020 BOC agenda.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.08.2020 BOC.pdf

01.15.2020 BOC.pdf

01.22.2020 BOC.pdf

01.29.2020 BOC.pdf

02.05.2020 BOC.pdf

02.12.2020 BOC.pdf

02.19.2020 BOC.pdf

02.26.2020 BOC.pdf

03.04.2020 BOC.pdf

03.18.2020 BOC.pdf

03.25.2020 BOC.pdf

04.01.2020 BOC.pdf

04.08.2020 BOC.pdf

04.15.2020 BOC.pdf

04.22.2020 BOC..pdf

05.06.2020 BOC.pdf

05.20.2020 BOC.pdf

05.27.2020 BOC.pdf

06.03.2002 BOC.pdf

06.10.2020 BOC.pdf

06.17.2020 BOC.pdf

06.24.2020 BOC.pdf

07.08.2020 BOC.pdf

07.15.2020 BOC.pdf

07.22.2020 BOC.pdf

07.29.2020 BOC.pdf

08.05.2020 BOC.pdf

08.12.2020 BOC.pdf

08.19.2020 BOC.pdf

08.26.2020 BOC.pdf

09.02.2020 BOC.pdf

09.09.2020 BOC.pdf

09.16.2020 BOC.pdf

09.23.2020 BOC.pdf

09.30.2020 BOC.pdf

10.07.2020 BOC.pdf

10.14.2020 BOC.pdf

10.28.2020 BOC.pdf

11.04.2020 BOC.pdf

11.13.2020 BOC Special Meeting.pdf

11.20.2020 Special meeting.pdf

11.25.2020 BOC.pdf

12.02.2020 BOC meeting.pdf

12.09.2020 BOC meeting.pdf

12.16.2020 BOC.pdf

12.23.2020 BOC meeting.pdf

12.30.2020 BOC.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.22.2020 work session.pdf

01.29.2020 work session.pdf

02.05.2020 work session.pdf

02.12.2020 work dession.pdf

02.19.2020 worksession.pdf

02.26.2020 work session.pdf

03.04.2020 work session.pdf

03.18.2020 work session.pdf

04.08.2020 work session.pdf

04.15.2020 work session.pdf

04.22.2020 WS canceled.pdf

04.29.2020 WS canceled.pdf

05.06.2020 work sessioin.pdf

05.13.2020 WS canceled.pdf

05.20.2020 work session.pdf

05.27.2020 work session .pdf

06.03.2020 work sesion.pdf

06.10.2020 work session.pdf

06.17.2020 work session.pdf

06.24.2020 work session.pdf

07.01.2020 work session.pdf

07.08.2020 work session.pdf

07.15.2020 work seesion.pdf

07.22.2020 work session.pdf

08.05.2020 work session.pdf

08.12.2020 work session.pdf

08.19.2020 work session.pdf

08.26.2020 work session.pdf

Orders Resolution

1-2020 Matter of Amending the Rules and Regulations and the Fee Schedule for Columbia County Forests, Parks, Beaches, Docks, and Other Recreational Facilities .pdf

2-2020 Matter of a Sole Source Procurement for the Purchase of a Pod Runner from Rescue 42, Inc..pdf

3-2020 Matter of Dedicating Property owned by Columbia County as Additional Right of Way for Public Road and Utility Purposes Saulser Road.pdf

4-2020 Matter of Adopting Service Reductions for Columbia County Rider Transportation.pdf

5-2020 Matter of the Petition by Karen Marchant t to Name a New Private Road located off of Beaver Homes Road near Rainer Souther Lane.pdf

6-2020 Matter of the Petition by Tide Creek Aggregates LLC to Name an Existing Private Access Road Located off of Columbia River Highway near Deer Island Rock Quarry Way.pdf

7-2020 Matter of the Petition by Michael Stone to Rename an Existing Public Way located at Maple Avenue near Scappoose Maple Meadows Avenue.pdf

8-2020 Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property In Scappoose Oregon to Busted Knuckles LLC co Dean Partain Tax Map ID No 4N2W16-CC-02601 and Tax Account No 7650.

9-2020 Amending Order Matter of Appointing Jim Gibson as Justice of the Peace, Pro Tempore, to the Columbia County Justice Court.pdf

11-2020 Resolution Matter of Opposing Support of LC 64.pdf

12-2020 Matter of a Petition to Vacate a Portion of Inglis Road, between the Oregon Department of Transportation's Rail Right of Way and the Beaver Slough, near Clatskanie.pdf

13-2020 Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in St. Helens, OR to James Ford and Tammy Ford Tax Map ID No. 4N1W04-AD-02501 and Tax Account No 10164.pdf

14-2020 Matter of a Sole Source Procurement for the Purchase of Orion Damage Assessment Software for Futurity, Inc..pdf

15-2020 Matter of Adopting the Reginal Health Assessment and Regional Health Improvement Plan.pdf

16-2020 Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Renewal of the Columbia County Jail Local Option Tax Levy for Four Years.pdf

16-2020 Amended Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Renewal of the Columbia County Jail Local Option Tax Levy for Four Years.pdf

17-2020 Mater of Proclaiming Columbia County's Opposition to Senate Bill 1530 An Act Relating to Greenhouse Gas Emissions.pdf

18-2020 Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Scappoose Oregon to the City of Scappoose Tap Map ID NO 3N1W18-BC-02808 and Tax Map 2930.pdf

19-2020 Matter of Reappointing Current Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Columbia County.pdf

21-2020 Matter of Petition by Megan Thornton and Sean Poling to Name a New Private Road, located off of Sykes Road Near St. Helens Sand View Court.pdf

22-2020 Matter of the Petition by Michael Melchiori to Name a New Private Road, Located off of Columbia River Highway Near Rainier OR Edgewater Drive.pdf

23-2020 Matter of Designating and Authorizing the Director of the Department of Community Justice to make Sole-Source Determinations for Criminal Justice Reinvestment Grant Program Personal Servie Contracts.pdf

24-2020 Matter of Adopting the ECONorthwest 2020 Supplemental Report.pdf

25-2020 Matter of Declaring a Local State of Emergency Due to COVID-19 Coronavirus.pdf

26-2020 In the Matter of adopting a Temporary Administrative Policy to COVID-19 (Coronavirus.pdf

27-2020 Matter of Adopting a Temporary Policy to Limit Access to County Facilites in Response to COVID 19.pdf

27-2020 Amended Matter of Adopting a Temporary Policy to Limit Access to County Facilites in Response to COVID 19.pdf

28-2020 Matter of Adopting a Revised Temporary Administrative Policy in Response to COVID 19.pdf

29-2020 Matter of a Sole Source Procurement for Specialty Court Services From Columbia River Partnerships for Change.pdf

30-2020 Matter of Adopting a Temporary Policy to Restrict Activites at County Parks In Response to COIVD 19.pdf

31-2020 Amended Order Matter of Adopting a Temporary Policy to Close County Facilities to the Public in Response to COVID 19.pdf

32-2020 Matter of Adopting a Second Revised Temporary Administrative Policy in Response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).pdf

33-2020 Matter of Adopting a Third Revised Temporary Administrative Policy in Response to COVID 19 Coronavirus.pdf

34-2020 Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget.pdf

36-2020 Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.pdf

37-2020 Matter of the Proposed Vacation of a Portion of First Street in the Goble Plat.pdf

38-2016 Sole Source Procurement for LEDS.pdf

39-2020 Matter of Adopting a Temporary Suspension of Line 2 Service (PCC) for Columbia County Rider Transportation Due to Campus Closure in Response to COVID 19.pdf

40-2020 Resolution Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf

41-2020 Matter of Adopting a Fourth Revised Temporary Administrative Policy in Response to COVID-19.pdf

42-2020 Matter of Adopting the Columbia County COVID-19 Reopening Framework.pdf

42-2020 Amended Resolution Matter of Adopting the Columbia County COVID-19 Reopening Framework.pdf

43-2020 Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.pdf

43-2020 In the Matter of A Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories In the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget (General Fund) (Amended to Correct Scrivener's Error in Exhibit B Account.pdf

44-2020 Resolution Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Programs Changes.pdf

45-2020 Resolution Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Bike and Footpath.pdf

46-2020 Resolution Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Speciality Court.pdf

47-2020 Resolution Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Emergency Management Grants.pdf

48-2020 Matter of Amending Policies and Procedures for Compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.pdf 

49-2020 Order Matter of Adopting a Temporary Policy Limiting Access to County Facilities in Response to COVID-19.pdf

50-2020 Matter of Reopening County Parks to Camping and Repealing Order 30-2020.pdf

51-2020 Matter of Amending the Rules and Regulations for Columbia County Forests, Parks, Beaches, Docks, and Other Recreational Facilities to Comply with Oregon Health Authoirty Guidance Pertaining.pdf

52-2020 Matter of Reallocation Of Appropriations Between Categories In the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget.pdf

53-2020 Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in St. Helens. Oregon to Cary Wacker and Wendy Wacker Tax Map ID No 4N1W06-DA-03302 and Tax Account No 12747.pdf

54-2020 Matter of Authorizing Kathleen McLaughlin to Construct a Gate in the Right of Way of Inglis Road.pdf

55-2020 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories In the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget .pdf

56-2020 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories In the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget .pdf

57-2020 In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Categories in the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget .pdf

58-2020 In the Matter of the Adoption of the Columbia County Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 and Appropriations and Tax Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf

59-2020 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2).pdf

60-2020 In the Matter of Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 278.75 (2).pdf

61-2020 In the Matter of the Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues [2020 Distribution].pdf

62-2020 In the Matter of the Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275.275 [2020 Distribution Gas and Lands Sales].pdf

63-2020 In the Matter of Authorizing An Inter-fund Loan to Close FY 2019-2020 Transit Fund Operating Deficit.pdf

64-2020 Matter of Authorizing An Inter-fund Loan to Close FY2019-2020 Transit Fund Deficit.pdf

65-2020 Matter of Adopting a Fifth Revised Temporary Administrative Policy in Response to COVID-19.pdf

66-2020 In the Matter of Affirming Columbia County's Commitment to Addressing Systemic Racism, and Proclaiming June 19 as Juneteenth.pdf

67-2020 In the Matter of Accepting the Dedication of a Property for J Street and Mellinger Road, near Vernonia, Oregon, from James A. Sandman.pdf

68-2020, In the Matter of Adopting a Pharmacy Policy for the Management of Medication for Public Health Tuberculosis Services(1)(1)(1).pdf

69-2020 In the Matter of Adopting the Columbia County HIPAA Policy Updated for the HIPAA Omnibus Final Rule and Directing the Appointment of the County Privacy Officer and County Security Officer(1)(1)(1).pdf

70-2020 In the Matter of Exempting a Personal Services Contract for the Provision of Medical and Mental Health Services in the Columbia County Jail from 2020 the Screening and Selection Procedures of.pdf

71-2020 Order In the Matter of Updating Columbia County Rider’s Policies and Procedures for Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.pdf

72-2020 Order In the Matter of Designating the Columbia County Sheriff and Justin Hecht, Comjunity Justice-Adult Disvision Supervisor, as the Supervisory Authority.pdf

73-2020 In the Matter of Authorizing Permits to Construct Two Gates in the Right of way of Lawrence Road, Deer Island.pdf

74-2020 In the Matter of Extending the Declaration for a Local State of Emergency Due to COVID 19..pdf

75-2020 In the Matter of Adopting a New Fee for the Disposal of Watercraft and Recreational Vehicles and Approving FY 2021 Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Rates.pdf

76-2020 Resolution In the Matter of a Supplemental Budget Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories in the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Budget..pdf

77-2020 Matter of the Legalization of a Portion of Price Road near Rainier Oregon.pdf

78-2020 Matter of Declaring Certain Personal Owned Columbia County to be Surplus to the County's Needs and Directing the Disposal or Sale Thereof Public Works Crack Seal Machine and Paver.pdf

79-2020 Matter of the Petition by Gary Wight to Name a New Public Way, located off of Church Road, near Warren, Wight Lane.pdf

80-2020 Resolution Matter of Declaring a State of Emergency Due to Rapid Migration of Individuals to Columbia County because of Widespread Wildfires.pdf

81-2020 In the Matter of Reallocation of Appropriations Between Categories In the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Budget.pdf

82-2020 In the matter of Reallocating Appropriations Between Categories In the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year Budget (Public Health Grant).pdf

83-2020 In the Matter of a Livestock Attack by Dog Owned by Stacy Evans and Brenna Craft.pdf

84-2020 Order In the Matter of Adopting a Temporary Policy Limiting, Access to County Facilities in Response to COVID 19.pdf

85-2020 In the Matter of a Special Procurement for a Contract to provide Temporary Staffing Services .pdf

86-2020 Sixth revised Temporary Administrative Policy .pdf

87-2020, In the Matter of Acquiring a Temporary Construction Easement from Holce Logging Co., Inc., for the Extension of the Crown-Zellerbach Recreational Trail.pdf

88-2020 In the Matter of Adopting a Process to Notify Employees of a COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Exposure.pdf

89-2020 One year extension Ambulance Service Area Franchise..pdf

90-2020 In the Matter of Strategic Investment Program Distribution for 2021.pdf

91-2020, In the Matter of Extending the Declaration of a Local State of Emergency Due to COVID-19.pdf

Board Meeting Agendas

01.30.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

02.06.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

02.13.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

02.20.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

02.27.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

03.13.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

03.20.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

03.27.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

04.03.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

04.24.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

05.15.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

05.29.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

06.05.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

06.12.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

06.19.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

07.03.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

07.24.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

08.07.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

08.21.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

08.28.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

09.04.19 BOC Agneda.pdf

09.11.19 BOC Agneda.pdf

09.18.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

09.25.19 BOCAgneda.pdf

10.02.19 BOCAgenda.pdf

10.09.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

10.16.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

10.23.19 BOC Agneda.pdf

10.30.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

11.06.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

11.13.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

11.27.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

12.04.19 BOC Agenda.pdf

12.11.19 BOC Agneda.pdf

12.18.19 BOC Agneda.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.30.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

02.06.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

02.13.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

02.06.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

02.20.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

02.27.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

03.13.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

03.20.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

03.27.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

04.03.18 BOC Meeting.pdf

04.17.19 BOC Minutes.pdf

05.01.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

05.08.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

05.15.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

05.22.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

05.29.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

06.05.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

06.12.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

06.19.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

06.26.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

07.03.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

07.10.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

07.24.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

07.31.19 BOC meeting.pdf

08.07.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

08.14.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

08.28.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

09.04.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

09.11.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

09.18.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

09.25.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

10.02.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

10.09.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

10.16.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

10.23.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

10.30.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

12.04.19 BOC Meeting.pdf

Work Session Agenda

02.06.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

02.13.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

02.20.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

02.27.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

03.06.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

03.13.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

03.20.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

03.27.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

04.03.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

04.10.17 Work Session Agenda.pdf

04.17.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

04.24.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

05.01.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

05.08.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

05.15.19 Work Session Agenda .pdf

05.22.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

05.29.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

06.05.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

06.12.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

06.19.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

06.26.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

07.03.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

07.10.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

07.24.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

07.31.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

08.07.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

08.14.19 Work Session Agneda.pdf

08.21.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

08.28.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

09.04.19 Work SessionAgenda.pdf

09.11.19 Work SessionAgenda.pdf

09.18.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

09.25.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

10.02.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

10.09.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

10.16.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

10.23.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

10.30.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

11.06.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

11.13.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

11.27.19 Work Session Agenda.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.02.19 Work Session.pdf

01.09.19 Work Session.pdf

01.16.19 Work Session.pdf

01.23.19 Work Session.pdf

01.30.19 Work Session.pdf

02.06.19 Work Session.pdf

02.13.19 Work Session.pdf

02.20.19 Work Session.pdf

02.27.19 Work Session.pdf

03.13.19 Work Session.pdf

03.27.19 Work Session.pdf

04.03.19 Work Session.pdf

04.17.19 Work Session.pdf

04.24.19 Work Session.pdf

05.08.19 Work Session.pdf

05.15.19 Work Session.pdf

05.22.19 Work Session.pdf

05.29.19 Work Session.pdf

06.05.19 Work Session.pdf

06.12.19 Work Session.pdf

06.19.19 Work Session.pdf

06.26.19 Work Session.pdf

07.03.19 Work Session.pdf

07.10.19 Work Session.pdf

07.24.19 Work Session.pdf

07.31.19 Work Session.pdf

08.07.19 Work Session.pdf

08.14.19 Work Sessison.pdf

08.28.19 Work Session.pdf

09.04.19 Work Session.pdf

09.11.19 Work Session.pdf

09.18.19 Work Session.pdf

09.25.19 Work Session.pdf

10.02.19 Work Session.pdf

10.09.19 Work Session.pdf

Board of Commissioner Meeting Audio

01.02.19 BOC Meeting

01.16.19 BOC Meeting

01.23.19 BOC Meeting

01.30.19 BOC Meeting

02.06.19 BOC Meeting

02.13.19 BOC Meeting

02.20.19 BOC Meeting

02.27.19 BOC Meeting

03.13.19 BOC Meeting

03.20.19 BOC Meeting

03.27.19 BOC Meeting

04.17.19 BOC Meeting

05.01.19 BOC Meeting

05.08.19 BOC Meeting

05.15.19 BOC Meeting

05.22.19 BOC Meeting

05.29.19 BOC Meeting

06.05.19 BOC Meeting

06.19.19 BOC Meeting

06.26.19 BOC Meeting

07.03.19 BOC Meeting

07.24.19 BOC Meeting

07.24.19 BOC Meeting

07.24.19 BOC Meeting

08.07.19 BOC Meeting

08.07.19 BOC Meeting

08.14.19 BOC Meeting

08.28.19 BOC Meeting

09.18.19 BOC Meeting

09.25.19 BOC Meeting

10.02.19 BOC Meeting

10.09.19 BOC Meeting

10.16..19 BOC Meeting

10.23.19 BOC Meeting

10.30.19 BOC Meeting

11.06.19 BOC Meeting

11.13.19 BOC Meeting

11.27.19 BOC Meeting

12.04.19 BOC meeting

12.11.19 BOC Meeting

12.18.19 BOC meeting aduio.mp3

CCDA Minutes

02.06.19 CCDA Meeting.pdf

03.27.19 Meeting Minutes.pdf

05.16.2019 CCDA meeting.pdf

05.29.19 CCDA Minutes.pdf

06.12.19 CCDA Budget Hearing.pdf

06.26.19 CCDA Budget Adoption.pdf

09.11.19 CCDA Meeting.pdf

10.23.2019 CCDA meeting.pdf

12.04.2019 CCDA meeting.pdf

BOC Meeting Videos










02.27.19 BOC Meeting.m4v






05.01.19_BOC Meeting.m4v
















10.30.19_BOC_Meeting (2).mp4


Orders Resolutions

01-2019 - Resolution Supplement Budget for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.pdf

02-2019 - Adopt Findings for Use of County Resources to Operate CC Rider.pdf

2-2019 Resolution Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories In the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budge.pdf

03-2019 - Appoint New Administrator for ASA Ordinance.pdf

04-2019 - Adopt Service Reductions for CC Rider.pdf

05-2019 - Resoltion Approve Financing of a John Deere Backhoe for the Road Department.pdf

06-2019 - Amend Fee Schedule for Vehicle Impoundment.pdf

07-2019 - Authorize Emergency Procurement for Culvert Replacement at Gable Road.pdf

09-2019 - Review & Update County Nondiscrimination Policies (2).pdf

10-2019 - Convey Chapman Landing to City of Scappoose TL 5318.pdf

11-2019 - Convey Property to Paul Thayer.pdf

12-2019 - Convey Real Property to Eric Olson TL 29191.pdf 

14-2019 - Convey Real Property to Lawrence E Boxman and Gayle C Rich Boxman.pdf

15-2019 - Accept Dedication Deed for ROW on Gable Road from St. Helens School District.pdf

16-2019 - Convey Property to Zephanian Emmons TL #25283.pdf

17-2019 - Convey Property to Kathleen McLaughlin #29908.pdf

18-2019 - Convey Property to Kathleen McLaughlin #18432, 18433, 18434, 18436.pdf

19-2019 - Adopt Service Changes for CC Rider.pdf

20-2019 - Transfer Jurisdiction of JP West, EM Watts and Columbia Ave. To the city of Scappoose..pdf

21-2019 - Convey Real Property 23425 & 23421.pdf

22-2019 - Convey Property to Patrick Hart TL #4067.pdf

23-2019 - Dedication to Col. Co - Carver Rd.pdf

24-2019 - Directing the Sale of Real Property Acquired by Col. Co. (To hold Sheriff's Sale).pdf

27-2019 - Resolution Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf

28-2019 - Resolution Authorize SPWF for Rainier Flood Damage Reduction System Project.pdf

29-2019 - Exempt PSC for Construction Management Services for Gable Road Project.pdf

30-2019 renumbered from 85-2019 Acuiring from Michael and Nicole Feakin a Storm Drainage Utility Easement near Gable Rd and Columbia Boulevard.pdf 

31-2019 Renumbered from 86-2019 Acquiring from Cessna and Jane Smith a Storm Drainage Utility Easement near Gable Rd and Columbia Blvd.pdf 

32-2019 - Corrected - Reimburse Agencies for 2018 HYC Impact Costs.pdf

32-2019 - Reimburse Agencies for 2018 HYC Impact Costs.pdf

33-2019 - Initiate the Formation of the CC Rider Transit Service District.pdf 

34-2019 - Convey Property to Timothy Rotter #8381.pdf

35-2019 - Convey Property to Glenn Murray II #8207.pdf

36-2019 - Convey Property to Joshua March #21275.pdf

37-2019 - Resolution Authorizing the Re-designation of the Lower Columbia Maritime Enterprise Zone.pdf

38-2019 Vacation of a Portion of Pine Ave-Scappoose, OR.pdf

39-2019 - Convey Property to Ryan Drake TL #17589.pdf

40-2019 - Convey Property to Caseman Thompson #7616.pdf

41-2019 - Adopt Findings for Jail Food Services.pdf

42-2019 - Convey Property to Hillcrest Investments #6497 & #6498.pdf

43-2019 - Convey Property to Clatskanie RFPD TL #20793.pdf

44-2019 Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property in Vernonia Oregon to Zephanian Emmons and Lindsay 57-2019 - Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection in Unincorporated Areas.pdf

Emmons Tap Map 4N4W04-BD-08200 and Tax Account 22976.pdf

45-2019 Convey Real Property to Palacios Tax Account 25749.pdf

46-2019 -10774 Convey real property TL 10774 to Horton & O'Leary.pdf

47-2019 Convey Real Property to Goodwin Tax Account No,. 8569.pdf

48-2019 - Prohibit Parking Along Public County Roads.pdf

49-2019 - Reimburse Mike-Birkenfeld RFPD Impact Costs Pursuant to ORS 27.275(2).pdf

50-2019 - Reimburse Vernonia RFPD Impact Fees Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2).pdf

51-2019 - Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

52-2019 - Distribution of Gas & Lands Sales Proceeds.pdf

53-2019 - Convey Property to James Morrison TL #439665.pdf

54-2019 - Establish Temporary Speed for Gable Road.pdf

55-2019 - Resolution Approve County Supplemental Budget for FY 2018-2019.pdf

56-2019 - Resolution Adopt County Budget for FY 2019-2020.pdf

57-2019 - Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection in Unincorporated Areas.pdf

59-2019 Livestock Attack by Dog Owned by Anna Lopez.pdf

60-2019 - Approve Formation of CC Rider Transit Service District.pdf

61-2019 - Exempt Contract with EnviRoad LLC for Asphalt Emulsion.pdf

62-2019 - Matter of Calling an Election on the Question of Formation of a New Columbia County Rider Transit Service District.pdf

62-2019 Corrected Matter of Calling an Election on the Question of Formation of a New Columbia County Rider Transit Service District.pdf

64-2019 Convey Easement to Col. Co. PUD Tax Map 4N2W-100-3500.pdf

65-2019 Convey an Easement to Col. Co. PUD Tax Map 4N2W-100-3600.pdf

67-2019 Final Order Appeal of the Administrative Decisions by LDS Building Permit 192-19-000377-MD & Electric Permit 192-19-000602-ELEC.pdf

68-2019 Resolution In the Matter of Appointing Teri Powers-ProTempore Columbia County Justice Court.pdf

69-2019 In the Matter of Prohibiting the Parking of Vehicles Along Certain Public or County Roads in Columbia County.pdf

70-2019 - Matter of a Sole Source Procurement for a Contract for ESRI ArcGIS Software.pdf

71-2019 In the Matter of Declaring Certain personal.pdf

72-2019 Resolution Reallocation of Appropriations 19-20 FY.pdf

73-2019 Adopting STIF for CC Rider.pdf

74-2019 Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Investment Policy.pdf 85-2019 Safety Committee Charter and Policy.pdf

75-2019 Resolution Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Recollection Appropriation Between Categories In the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget.pdf

76-2019 Resolution Matter of a Supplemental Budget to Reallocate Appropriations Between Budget Categories In the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget.pdf

78-2019 Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Deadly Physical Force Plan.pdf

79-2019 Resolution In the Matter of Adopting the 2019-2021 Columbia County Community Corrections Biennial Plan.pdf

81-2019 Matter of Adopting the 2019 Final Report for Fiscal Sustainability in Columbia County.pdf

82-2019 Resolution National Incident Management System(1).pdf

83-2019 In the Matter of designating the CCS and CJ as the Supervisory Authority.pdf

84-2019 Financial Plan for the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Commission.pdf

85-2019 Safety Committee Charter and Policy.pdf

86-2019 - Acquire Utility Easement from Cessna Smith.pdf

87-2019 Dismissing the Order Approving the Formation of a New Columbia County Rider Transportation District.pdf

88-2019 Distributing Strategic Investment Program (SIP).pdf

88-2019 Amended Order Matter of Distributing Strategic Investment Program Payments for 2019.pdf

89-2019 Reimbursing Public Agencies in Columbia County for the Cost Impacts of the Hood to Coast Relay 2019.pdf

90-2019 Adopting the Columbia County Workplace Harassment Policy.pdf

92-2019 Amending of Col. Co. Building Code.pdf

Board Meeting Agenda

BOC Agenda 01.03.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.10.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.17.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.24.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.31.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.07.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.14.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.21.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.14.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.28.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.04.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.11.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.18.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.25.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.02.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.09.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.16.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.30.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.13.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.20.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.27.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.11.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.25.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.01.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.08.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.15.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.29.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.05.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.12.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.19.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.26.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.03.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.24.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.31.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.07.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.21.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.28.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.05.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.12.18.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.19.18.pd

Board Meeting Minutes

01.03.18 BOC.pdf

01.10.18 BOC.pdf

01.17.18 BOC.pdf

01.24.18 BOC.pdf

01.31.18 BOC.pdf

02.07.18 BOC.pdf

02.14.18 BOC.pdf

02.21.18 BOC.pdf

02.28.18 BOC.pdf

03.14.18 BOC.pdf

03.21.18 BOC.pdf

03.28.18 BOC.pdf 

04.04.18 BOC.pdf

04.11.18 BOC.pdf

04.18.18 BOC.pdf

04.25.18 BOC.pdf

05.02.18 BOC.pdf

05.09.18 BOC.pdf

05.16.18 BOC.pdf

05.30.18 BOC.pdf

06.06.18 BOC.pdf

06.13.18 BOC.pdf

06.20.18 BOC.pdf

06.27.18 BOC.pdf

07.11.18 BOC.pdf

07.18.18 BOC.pdf

08.01.18 BOC.pdf

08.08.18 BOC.pdf

08.15.18 BOC.pdf

08.29.18 BOC.pdf

09.05.18 BOC.pdf

09.12.18 BOC.pdf

09.19.18 BOC.pdf

09.26.18 BOC.pdf

10.03.18 BOC.pdf

10.10.18 BOC.pdf

10.17.18 BOC.pdf

10.24.18 BOC.pdf

10.31.18 BOC.pdf

11.07.18 BOC.pdf

11.21.18 BOC.pdf

11.28.18 BOC.pdf

12.05.18 BOC.pdf

12.12.18 BOC.pdf

12.19.18 BOC.pdf

Work Session Agenda

Work Session Agenda 01.03.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 01.10.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 01.17.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 01.24.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 01.31.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 02.07.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 02.14.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 02.21.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 02.28.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 03.14.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 03.21.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 03.28.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 04.04.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 04.11.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 04.18.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 04.25.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 05.02.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 05.09.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 05.16.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 05.30.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 06.06.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 06.13.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 06.20.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 06.27.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 07.11.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 07.18.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 07.25.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 08.01.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 08.08.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 08.15.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 08.29.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 09.05.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 09.12.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 09.19.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 09.26.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 10.03.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 10.10.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 10.17.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 10.24.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 10.31.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 11.07.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 11.14.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 11.21.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 11.28.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 12.05.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 12.12.18.pdf

Work Session Agenda 12.19.18.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.03.18 Work Session.pdf

01.10.18 Work Session.pdf

01.17.18 Work Session.pdf

01.24.18 Work Session.pdf

01.31.18 Work Session.pdf

02.07.18 Work Session.pdf

02.14.18 Work Session.pdf

02.21.18 Work Session.pdf

02.28.18 Work Session.pdf

03.14.18 Work Session.pdf

03.21.18 Work Session.pdf

03.28.18 Work Session.pdf

04.04.18 Work Session.pdf

04.11.18 Work Session.pdf

04.25.18 Work Session.pdf

05.02.18 Work Session.pdf

05.09.18 Work Session.pdf

05.16.18 Work Session.pdf

05.21.18 Work Session.pdf

05.30.18 Work Session.pdf

06.06.18 Work Session.pdf

06.13.18 Work Session.pdf

06.20.18 Work Session.pdf

06.27.18 Work Session.pdf

07.11.18 Work Session.pdf

07.25.18 Work Session.pdf

08.01.18 Work Session.pdf

08.08.18 Work Session.pdf

08.15.18 Work Session.pdf

08.29.18 Work Session.pdf

09.05.18 Work Session.pdf

09.12.18 Work Session.pdf

09.19.18 Work Session.pdf

09.26.18 Work Session.pdf

10.03.18 Work Session.pdf

10.10.18 Work Session.pdf

10.17.18 Work Session.pdf

10.24.18 Work Session.pdf

10.31.18 Work Session.pdf

11.07.18 Work Session.pdf

11.21.18 Work Session.pdf

11.28.18 Work Session.pdf

12.05.18 Work Session.pdf

12.12.18 Work Session.pdf

12.19.18 Work Session.pdf

Orders Resolutions

 01-2018 William Cumby Indoor Marijuana Grow Operation in RR-5 Zone.pdf

02-2018 File Civil Lien Against George Bainbridge.pdf

03-2018 File Civil Lien Against William Meriwether.pdf

05-2018 Name Private Road Sandy Point Way.pdf

06-2018 Distribute SIP Payments for 2018.pdf 

07-2018 Appoint Teri Powers as JOP Pro Tempore.pdf

08-2018 Adopt Field Work Safety Policy.pdf

09-2018 --Name Private Road Nims Way.pdf 

12-2018 Supplemental Budget for Public Health.pdf

13-2018 Convey Property to rickey Richmond.pdf

14-2018 Participation in the Assessment & Taxation Grant.pdf

15-2018 Adopt Mission, Vision and Values Statements.pdf

17-2018 Authorizing Supplemental Budget for FY 2017-18.pdf

18-2018 Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

19-2018 - Inter-Fund Loans to Transit & Fair.pdf

20-2018 - Supplemental Budget for Loans to Transit & Fair.pdf

22-2018 - Convey Property to Carl Runyon.pdf

23-2018 - Re-Designation of the South Columbia County Enterprise Zone.pdf

24-2018 - Adopt County Budget for FY 2018-19.pdf

25-2018 Reimburse Vernonia RFPD Mist Gas Field Impact Costs.pdf

26-2018 Reimburse Mist Birkenfeld RFPD Mist Gas Field Impact Costs.pdf

27-2018 Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275.275.pdf

28-2018 - Amending Fee Schedules for Building Program Fees.pdf

29-2018 - Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection 2019.pdf

30-2018 - Petition by James Engen to Name Private Road Oliva Drive.pdf

31-2018 (Corrected) Cancellation of Uncollectible Personal Property Taxes.pdf

31-2018 Cancellation of Uncollectible Personal Property Taxes.pdf

32-2018 Extended Enterprise Zone Benefits for 4th and 5th year to Composites Universal.pdf

33-2018 Convey County Property to Hillcrest Investments.pdf

34-2018 Convey County Property to David & Gayle Swenson.pdf

35-2018 Declare Road Dept Equipment as Surplus.pdf

36-2018 Recognizing the Courthouse Plaza Tree.pdf

37-2018 Sole Source Procurement for a Contract for Inmate Mail Scanner.pdf

38-2018 Convey County Property to Blagg Investments, LLC.pdf

39-2018 Temporary Emergency Speed for Timber Road.pdf

40-2018 Adopt Emergency Operations Plan.pdf

41-2018 Appoint Katherine Joanne Kelley as Deputy Tax Collector.pdf

42-2018 Conveying Certain Real Property-Lain.pdf

43-2018 Convey real property to Woodburn.pdf

44-2018 Property Dedication (River Front Road).pdf

45-2018 New Administrator for Depletion Fee Ordinance.pdf

46-2018 New Administrator Solid Waste Management.pdf

47-2018 Livestock Attack by Dogs Owned by Kristin McGlothen.pdf

48.2018 Convey Real Property to Russell- Vassau.pdf

49-2018 Declaring Road Dept Paint Striper as Surplus.pdf

51-2018 Amend Policies for Compliance with Title II of the ADA.pdf

52-2018 Name New Private Road Rightline Drive.pdf

53-2018 Supplemental Budget for FY 2018-2019.pdf

54-2018 Distribution of Strategic Investment Program SIP Payment for 2018.pdf

Board Agenda

BOC Agenda 01.09.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.18.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.25.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.01.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.08.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.15.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.22.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.01.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.08.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.22.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.05.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.19.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.26.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.03.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.10.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.17.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.24.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.31.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.07.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.14.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.21.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.28.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.05.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.12.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.19.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.02.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.09.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.16.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.23.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.30.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.06.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.13.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.20.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.27.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.04.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.11.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.18.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.25.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.01.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.08.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.22.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.29.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.06.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.13.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.20.17.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.27.17.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.25.17 BOC.pdf

02.01.17 BOC.pdf

02.08.17 BOC.pdf

02.15.17 BOC.pdf

02.21.17 BOC.pdf

02.22.17 BOC.pdf

03.01.17 BOC.pdf

03.08.17 BOC.pdf

03.15.17 BOC.pdf

03.22.17 BOC.pdf

04.05.17 BOC.pdf

04.12.17 BOC.pdf

04.19.17 BOC.pdf

04.26.17 BOC.pdf

05.03.17 BOC.pdf

05.10.17 BOC.pdf

05.17.17 BOC.pdf

05.31.17 BOC.pdf

06.07.17 BOC.pdf

06.14.17 BOC.pdf

06.21.17 BOC.pdf

06.28.17 BOC.pdf

07.12.17 BOC.pdf

07.19.17 BOC.pdf

08.02.17 BOC.pdf

08.02.17 Port Westward Hearing.pdf

08.09.17 BOC.pdf

08.16.17 BOC.pdf

08.23.17 BOC.pdf

08.29.17 BOC.pdf

08.30.17 BOC.pdf

09.06.17 BOC.pdf

09.13.17 BOC.pdf

09.20.17 BOC.pdf

09.27.17 BOC.pdf

10.04.17 BOC.pdf

10.11.17 BOC.pdf

10.18.17 BOC.pdf

10.20.17 Emergency Meeting.pdf \10.25.17 BOC.pdf 

10.25.17 BOC.pdf

11.01.17 BOC.pdf

11.08.17 BOC.pdf

11.22.17 BOC.pdf

11.29.17 BOC.pdf

12.6.17 BOC.pdf

12.13.17 BOC.pdf

12.20.17 BOC.pdf

12.27.17 BOC.pdf

Work Session Agenda

Staff Agenda 01.09.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 01.18.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 01.25.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 02.01.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 02.08.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 02.15.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 02.22.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.01.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.08.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.15.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.22.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 04.05.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 04.12.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 04.26.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.03.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.10.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.17.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.31.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.07.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.14.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.21.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.28.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 07.05.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 07.12.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.02.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.09.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.16.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.23.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.30.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.06.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.13.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.20.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.27.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.04.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.11.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.18.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.25.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.01.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.08.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.15.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.22.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.29.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 12.06.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 12.13.17.pdf

Staff Agenda 12.20.17.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.09.17 Staff.pdf

01.18.17 Staff.pdf

01.25.17 Staff.pdf

02.01.17 Staff.pdf

02.08.17 Staff.pdf

02.15.17 Staff.pdf

02.22.17 Staff.pdf

03.01.17 Staff.pdf

03.08.17 Staff.pdf

03.15.17 Staff.pdf

03.22.17 Staff.pdf

04.05.17 Staff.pdf

04.12.17 Staff.pdf

04.19.17 Staff.pdf

04.26.17 Staff.pdf

05.03.17 Staff.pdf

05.10.17 Staff.pdf

05.17.17 Staff.pdf

05.31.17 Staff.pdf

06.07.17 Staff.pdf

06.14.17 Staff.pdf

06.21.17 Staff.pdf

06.28.17 Staff.pdf

07.12.17 Staff.pdf

08.02.17 Staff.pdf

08.16.17 Staff.pdf

08.23.17 Staff.pdf

08.30.17 Staff.pdf

09.06.17 Staff.pdf

09.13.17 Staff.pdf

09.20.17 Staff.pdf

09.27.17 Staff.pdf

10.04.17 Staff.pdf

10.11.17 Staff.pdf

10.18.17 Staff.pdf

10.25.17 Staff.pdf

11.01.17 Staff.pdf

11.08.17 Staff.pdf

11.22.17 Staff.pdf

11.29.17 Staff.pdf

12.06.17 Staff.pdf

12.13.17 Staff.pdf

12.20.17 Staff.pdf

Orders Resolutions

1-2017 Authorize Road Work on Chapman Grange Road.pdf

2-2017 Number of Inmates to be Held in County Jail.pdf

4-2017 Closure of Certain County Roads to Heavy Hauling Limit to 10,000 lbs.pdf

5-2017 Corrected Supplemental Budget for FY16-17 Emergency Management.pdf

6-2017 Christopher Arthur Variance.pdf

7-2017 Distribution of Strategic Investment Program Payments.pdf

8-2017 Dave Gutmann Road Modification EM Watts.pdf

9-2017 Amend County Enforcement Ordinance.pdf

10-2017 Authorize Chuck Daughtry to Sign Extended EZ Agreement with Cascades Tissue.pdf

11-2017 Amend Policies for Title II ADA.pdf

12-2017 Adopting Policies for Compliance with ADA.pdf

14-2017 Authorize Sheriff to Acquire Federal Surplus Equipment.pdf

16-2017 Convey County Property to Daniel Leno.pdf

17-2017 Supporting Fair Housing Program.pdf

18-2017 Appoint Diana Taylor as Justice Pro Tem.pdf

19-2017 Directing Property of Sale.pdf

20-2017 Kightlinger Marijuana Grow Operation.pdf

21-2017 Support Transportation Funding Package.pdf

22-2017 Assessment & Taxation Grant.pdf

23-2017 Transferring Jurisdiction.pdf

24-2017 Resolution-Authorizing Director of Parks, Forest & REc.pdf

25-2017 Leasing County Oil & Gas Rights in Mist Gas Field.pdf

26-2017 Terminating Columbia County Unmet Needs Committee.pdf

28-2017 Convey County Property to City of Vernonia.pdf

29-2017 Adopt Policies for Tax Foreclosure Property.pdf

30-2017 Retention and Assignment of County Owned Property.pdf

31-2017 Exempt Contract for New Transit Facility.pdf

31-2017 Name Public ROW Shady Way.pdf

32-2017 Supplemental Budget Appropriates Transfers and Creating New GF Dept FY 16-17.pdf

33-2017 Authorize Of Loan to Close Transit Fund Short Fall.pdf

34-2017 Designate Chronicle as Newspaper of Record for Foreclosure List 2017.pdf

35-2017 Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues for 2017.pdf

36-2017 Supplemental Budget for FY 2016-2017.pdf

37-2017 Adopt Columbia County Budget for FY 2017-2018.pdf

38-2017 Brian Richards Code Violations.pdf

39-2017 Amend Regulations of Leasing Oil & Gas Rights in Mist Gas Field.pdf

40-2017 Renumber Order 31-2017 - Duplicate Number.pdf

42-2017 Reimburse Vernonia RFPD Mist Gas Revenues 2017.pdf

43-2017 Reimburse Mist Birkenfeld RFPD Mist Gas Revenues 2017.pdf

44-2017 Distribution of Gas & Land Sale Proceeds 2017.pdf

45-2017 Adopting Section 3 Policy.pdf

46-2017 Rate Adjustment for Curbside Collection.pdf

47-2017 Charles T Parker Way.pdf

48-2017 Temp. Const. Easement-Mauldin.pdf

49-2017 Temp Const. Easement from Freitag.pdf

50-2017 Temp Const. Easement-Roberti..pdf

51-2017 Dedication Right of Way-Freitag.pdf

52-2017 Dedication Right of Way -Roberti.pdf

53-2017 Dedication Right of Way- Mauldin.pdf

57-2017 Dedication of Stonebrook Drive.pdf

58-2017 Dedication Blaha Road.pdf

59-2017 Adopt County Language Access Plan.pdf

60-2017 SheriffSale.pdf

61-2017 Designation Property near the end of Hirtzel Road.pdf

62-2017 Reappointing Housing Authority.pdf

64-2017 Reimburse Impact Costs for Challenge Bike Ride.pdf

65-2017 Adopt Inadvertent Discovery Plan.pdf

66-2017 Littlebird Way.pdf

67-2017 Vacate Portions of Canyon Drive, Scappoose.pdf

68-2017 Authorize Lease and MOL for Medicine Storage Area.pdf

70-2017 Coordinated Plan.pdf

72-2017 Convey County Property to Juan Marcos Ruiz.pdf

73-2017 Convey County Property to Ryan Drake.pdf

75-2017 Refund STP Impact Costs.pdf

76-2017 Convey County Property to Woodburn Industrial Capital Group.pdf

77-2016 File Lien Against Brian Richards.pdf

78-2017 Reimburse Agencies for HTC Impacts.pdf

79-2017 Adopt Personally Identifying Information Policy.pdf

80-2017 Dale Strom LUCS 17-44.pdf

81-2017 Set Auction Date for Oil & Gas Auction.pdf

82-2017 Appoint Michael Paul as Public Health Administrator.pdf

83-2017 Amend Rules, Regs & Fees for County Parks.pdf

84-2017 Amend Forms and Insurance Requirements for County Parks.pdf

85-2017 Conveying Real Property-Koon.pdf

86-2017 Authorize Chuck Daughtry to sign Extended EZ Benefits to Premier Jets, Inc..pdf

87-2017 Adopt 2017-2019 Community Corrections Biennial Plan(1).pdf

88-2017 Ambulance Service Ordinance.pdf

89-2017 Christmas Tree Lane.pdf

Board Meeting Agenda

BOC Agenda 01.04.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.13.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.20.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.27.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.03.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.10.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.17.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.02.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.09.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.16.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.23.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.30.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.06.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.13.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.20.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.27.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.04.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.11.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.18.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.25.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.01.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.08.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.15.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.22.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.29.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.06.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.13.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.20.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.27.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.03.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.10.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.17.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.24.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.31.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.07.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.14.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.21.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.28.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.05.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.12.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.19.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.26.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.02.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.09.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.16.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.23.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.30.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.07.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.14.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.21.16.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.28.16.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.05.16 BOC.pdf

01.13.16 BOC.pdf

01.20.16 BOC.pdf

01.27.16 BOC.pdf

02.03.16 BOC.pdf

02.10.16 BOC.pdf

02.17.16 BOC.pdf

03.02.16 BOC.pdf

03.09.16 BOC.pdf

03.16.16 BOC.pdf

03.30.16 BOC.pdf

04.06.16 BOC.pdf

04.13.16 BOC.pdf

04.20.16 BOC.pdf

04.27.16 BOC.pdf

05.04.16 BOC.pdf

05.11.16 BOC.pdf

05.18.16 BOC.pdf

05.25.16 BOC.pdf

06.01.16 BOC.pdf

06.08.16 BOC.pdf

06.22.16 BOC.pdf

06.29.16 BOC.pdf

07.06.16 BOC.pdf

07.13.16 BOC.pdf

07.20.16 BOC.pdf

07.27.16 BOC.pdf

08.03.16 BOC.pdf

08.10.16 BOC.pdf

08.17.16 BOC.pdf

08.24.16 BOC.pdf

08.31.16 BOC.pdf

09.07.16 BOC.pdf

09.14.16 BOC.pdf

09.21.16 BOC.pdf

09.28.16 BOC.pdf 

10.12.16 BOC.pdf

10.19.16 BOC.pdf

10.26.16 BOC.pdf

11.02.16 BOC.pdf

11.09.16 BOC.pdf

11.23.16 BOC.pdf

11.30.16 BOC.pdf

12.07.16 BOC.pdf

12.14.16 BOC.pdf

12.21.16 BOC.pdf

Work Session Agenda

Staff Agenda 01.04.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 01.13.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 01.20.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 01.27.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 02.03.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 02.10.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 02.17.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.02.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.09.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.16.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.23.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 03.30.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 04.06.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 04.13.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 04.20.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 04.27.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.04.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.11.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.18.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 05.25.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.01.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.08.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.15.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.22.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 06.29.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 07.06.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 07.13.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 07.20.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 07.27.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.03.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.10.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.17.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.24.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 08.31.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.07.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.14.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.21.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 09.28.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.05.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.12.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.19.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 10.26.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.02.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.09.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.16.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.23.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 11.30.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 12.07.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 12.14.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 12.21.16.pdf

Staff Agenda 12.28.16.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.05.16.Staff.pdf .










































Orders Resolutions

01-2016 Reduction in Certain Transit Fares.pdf

02-2016 Correct Scrivener's Errors in Ordinance No. 2015-4.pdf

03-2016 Award Carnival Services to Butler Amusements.pdf 

04-2016 Non-Development Covenant to Big River Apts Related to Mineral Rights.pdf

05-2016 Adopt Policies and Procedures for Tax Foreclosure Property.pdf

06-2016 Sale of County Property to City of Scappoose.pdf

07-2016 Dissolution and Liquidation of CHD and Terminating its Corporate Existence.pdf

08-2016 David Wilson Jr. Trust Minor Partition & Variance.pdf

10-2016 Sale of County Property to Richard Bakko.pdf

11-2016 Establish Fair Labor Standards Act.pdf

12-2016 Appoint Diana Shera Taylor as JOP Pro Tem.pdf

13-2016 Schedule Change to Transit Line 1 - Downtown Portland.pdf

14-2016 Participate in Assessment & Taxation Grant.pdf

15-2016 Sale of County Property to Richard Vance.pdf

16-2016 ASA Boundary Changes and MOU with Clatsop County.pdf

17-2016 Renumber 7-2016, Inmate Housing Fees.pdf

18-2016 Supplemental Budget for FY 2016.pdf

19-2016 Dismissing Order Approving Formation of CC Rider District.pdf .

20-2016 Adopt FY 2016-17 County Budget.pdf

21-2016 Reimburse Vernonia RFPD - Mist Gas Field Revenues.pdf

22-2016 Reimburse Mist Birkenfeld RFPD - Mist Gas Field Revenues.pdf

23-2016 Adopt Federal Grant Indirect Rate for All Federal Awards.pdf

24-2016 Adopt Conflict of Interest Policy.pdf

25-2016 Adopt of Record Retention Policy.pdf

26-2016 Establish a Subrecipient Monitoring Policy for Federal Grants.pdf

27-2016 Establish Cost Transfer Policy for Federal Grants.pdf

28-2016 Establish Cash Management Policy for Grant Awards.pdf

29-2016 Establish Allowable Costs for Federal Grant Awards.pdf

30-2016 Exercise Grace Period for Uniform Grant Guidance Requirements.pdf

31-2016 Adopt Columbia County Grant Administration Policy.pdf

32-2016 PCC Public Safety Training Facility in PA-80 Zone.pdf

33-2016 Distribution of Proceeds - Gas & Land Sales.pdf

34-2016 Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

35-2016 Question to Electors on 3% Tax on Marijuana Sales.pdf

36-2016 Using County Personnel and Resources to Operate CC Rider.pdf

37-2016 Rate Adjustment for Curbside Collection Services.pdf

38-2016 Sole Source Procurement for LEDS.pdf

39-2016 Amend Fee Schedules for Building Permits.pdf

40-2016 Direction Sale of County Property - Sheriff Sale.pdf

41-2016 Convey Property to Wenda Hall.pdf

42-2016 Calling Election for Renewal of Jail Levy.pdf

43-2016 Homestead Exemption for Surviving Spouses of Public Safety Officers.pdf

44-2016 Designate Dibblee Point as County Park.pdf

45-2016 Amend Policies & Procedures for Compliance with Title II ADA.pdf

46-2016 Brian Rosenthal Zone Change Minor Map Amendment.pdf

47-2016 Convey Columbia City Property to CAT.pdf

48-2016 Name Private Road Fairway Lane.pdf

49-2016 Proposed Vacation of Hovland Way.pdf

50-2016 Adopting ODOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Policy.pdf

51-2016 Sale of Real Property Acquired by Sheriff Sale.pdf

53-2016 Filing Lien Against Brian Richards.pdf

54-2016 Filing Lien Against George Bainbridge.pdf

55-2016 RAD Nursery Marijuana Growing Operation.pdf

56-2016 Cancellation of Real Property Taxes.pdf

57-2016 Extended Enterprise Zone Benefits.pdf

58-2016 Convey Property to Martin Kennedy.pdf

59-2016 Hovland Way Vacation.pdf

60-2016 Adopt Procedures for Tax Foreclosures.pdf

62-2016 Amend Fee Schedule for Investigative Fee.pdf

63-2016 Supplement Budget for FY 2017.pdf

64-2016 Benefits for Non-Represented Employees.pdf

65-2016 Adopt Columbia County Investment Policy.pdf

66-2016 Convey Property to Gus Fergusson 6N5W20-BB-02500.pdf

67-2016 Convey Property to Santos Gomez 4N4W05-DA-05800.pdf

68-2016 Convey County Property to Richard Squires.pdf

70-2016 Amend Policy to Waive Tipping Fees for Nonprofits.pdf

71-2016 Adopt Policy for Cash Handling.pdf

72-2017 Create General Services Budget for FY 2016-17.pdf

73-2016 Corrected - Reimburse Agencies for HTC Impacts.pdf

73-2016 Reimburse Agencies for HTC Impacts.pdf

74-2016 Amend Rules and Regs for County Parks.pdf

75-2016 Accept ROW along Dutch Canyon Road.pdf

Board Meeting Agenda

BOC Agenda 01.05.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.14.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.21.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 01.28.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.04.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.11.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.18.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 02.25.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.04.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.11.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.18.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 03.25.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.01.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.08.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.15.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.22.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 04.29.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.06.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.13.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.20.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 05.27.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.03.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.10.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.17.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 06.24.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.01.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.08.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.15.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.21.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 07.29.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.05.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.12.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.19.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 08.25.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.02.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.09.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.16.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.23.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 09.30.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.07.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.14.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.21.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 10.28.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.04.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.11.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.18.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 11.25.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.02.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.09.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.16.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.23.15.pdf

BOC Agenda 12.30.15.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.05.15 BOC.pdf

01.14.15 BOC.pdf

01.21.15 BOC.pdf

01.28.15 BOC.pdf

02.04.15 BOC.pdf

02.11.15 BOC.pdf

02.18.15 BOC.pdf

03.04.15 BOC.pdf

03.11.15 BOC.pdf

03.18.15 BOC.pdf

04.01.15 BOC.pdf

04.29.15 BOC.pdf

05.06.15 BOC.pdf

05.13.15 BOC.pdf

05.20.15 BOC.pdf

05.27.15 BOC.pdf

06.03.15 BOC.pdf

06.10.15 BOC.pdf

06.17.15 BOC.pdf

06.24.15 BOC.pdf

07.01.15 BOC.pdf

07.08.15 BOC.pdf

07.15.15 BOC.pdf

07.22.15 BOC.pdf

07.29.15 BOC.pdf

08.05.15 BOC.pdf

08.12.15 BOC.pdf

08.19.15 BOC.pdf

08.25.15 BOC.pdf

09.02.15 BOC.pdf

09.09.15 BOC.pdf

09.16.15 BOC.pdf

09.23.15 BOC.pdf

09.30.15 BOC.pdf

10.07.15 BOC.pdf

10.21.15 BOC.pdf

10.28.15 BOC.pdf

11.04.15 BOC.pdf

11.25.15 BOC.pdf

12.02.15 BOC.pdf

12.09.15 BOC.pdf

12.16.15 BOC.pdf

12.23.15 BOC.pdf

Staff Meeting Minutes

01.05.15 Staff.pdf

01.14.15 Staff.pdf

01.21.15 Staff.pdf

01.28.15 Staff.pdf

02.04.15 Staff.pdf

02.11.15 Staff.pdf

02.18.15 Staff.pdf

03.04.15 Staff.pdf

03.11.15 Staff.pdf

03.18.15 Staff.pdf

04.22.15 Staff.pdf

04.01.15 Staff.pdf

04.08.15 Staff.pdf

04.15.15 Staff.pdf

04.29.15 Staff.pdf

05.06.15 Staff.pdf

05.20.15 Staff.pdf

05.27.15 Staff.pdf

06.03.15 Staff.pdf

06.10.15 Staff.pdf

06.17.15 Staff.pdf

06.24.15 Staff.pdf

07.01.15 Staff.pdf

07.08.15 Staff.pdf

07.22.15 Staff.pdf

07.29.15 Staff.pdf

08.05.15 Staff.pdf

08.19.15 Staff.pdf

09.02.15 Staff.pdf

09.09.15 Staff.pdf

09.16.15 Staff.pdf

09.30.15 Staff.pdf










Orders Resolutions

01-2015 Dedication of ROW - Hovland Way from Robert Hunt.pdf

02-2015 Name Private Road Ridge Mill Road.pdf

03-2015 Vacation of ROW at South End of Flint Drive, Scappoose.pdf

04-2015 Convey Property to Betty Nelson.pdf

05-2015 Convey Property to Dale & Gail Gallien.pdf

06-2015 Appoint Administrator for Public Road Event Ordinance.pdf

07-2015 Appoint Administrator for Outdoor Mass Gathering Ordinance.pdf

08-2015 Support Second Amendment Rights.pdf

10-2015 Post Agenda Items to Website.pdf

11-2015 Updating Electronic Systems Use.pdf

12-2015 Amend Emergency Operation Plan - Support Function 8.pdf

13-2015 Convey 8th Street Property to Alice Warner.pdf

14-2015 Enerfin Resources NW CU Permit in PF 80 Zone.pdf

15-2015 Naming Private Road Turley Road.pdf

16-2015 Supplemental Budget for FY 2014-15.pdf

17-2015 Exempt contract with Envi-Road for Asphalt Emulsion.pdf

18-2015 Application to Participate in Assessment & Taxation Grant.pdf

19-2015 Authorizing a Reserve Fund for PERS.pdf

20-2015 Stepping Up Initiative to Reduce Mental Health Illnesses in Jails.pdf

21-2015 Livestock Attack by Dogs Owned by Nawnie Hack.pdf

22-2015 Cancellation of Uncollectible Personal Property Taxes.pdf

23-2015 Establish Furlough Schedule for FY 2015-16.pdf

24-2015 Modifying Recording Dates for County Clerk.pdf

25-2015 Authorize Supplemental Budget for FY 2014-15.pdf

26-2015 Authorize Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with Rightline Equipment.pdf

27-2015 Adopt County Budget for FY 2015-2016.pdf

28-2015 Support Application and Update of the Transit Plan.pdf

29-2015 Audio Amplification for Wapato Church Event at Big Eddy Park.pdf

30-2015 Rate Adjustment for Curbside Collction in Rural County.pdf

31-2015 Mist-Birkenfeld RFPD 2015 Distribution - ORS 275.275(2).pdf

32-2015 Vernonia RFPD 2015 Distribution - ORS 275.275(2).pdf

33-2015 Distribution of Gas & Land Sales.pdf

34-2015 Forest Trust Land Revenues Distribution.pdf

35-2015 Supplemental Budget for FY 2014-15.pdf

36-2015 Convey Property to Steven Walter Rice.pdf

37-2015 Marilyn Shober Renewal of Temporary Hardship Permit.pdf

38-2015 Adopt Columbia County Purchasing Policy.pdf 

39-2015 Convey County Property to Larry Boxman.pdf

40-2015 Adopt New Intercity Bus Service.pdf

41-2015 Exempting PSC for Construction Management Services - Parametrix.pdf

42-2015 Name Private Road Leader Lane.pdf

43-2015 Vacation of Foster, Second, River, Lake Streets in Goble Plat - Recorded.pdf

44-2015 Corrected - Extend Temporary Moratorium on Marijuana Facilities.pdf

44-2015 Extend Temporary Moratorium on Marijuana Facilities.pdf

45-2015 Convey Millard Property to City of St. Helens.pdf

46-2015 Adopt 2015-2017 Community Justice-Adult Division Plan.pdf

47-2015 2nd Corrected - Reimburse Impact Costs for Hood-to-Coast.pdf

47-2015 Corrected - Reimburse Impact Costs for Hood-to-Coast.pdf

47-2015 Reimburse Impact Costs for Hood-to-Coast.pdf

48-2015 Cancellation of Real Property Taxes.pdf

49-2015 Sole Source Procurement Affordable Health Care Reporting.pdf

50-2015 Formation of the CC Rider Transportation District.pdf

51-2015 Appoint Sarah Sprowls as Deputy Tax Collector.pdf

52-2015 Name Private Road Century Drive.pdf

53-2015 Weyerhaeuser PLA's in PF-80.pdf

54-2015 Amend Rules, Regs, Fee for County Parks.pdf

55-2015 Approve Formation of CC Rider Transportation District.pdf

56-2015 Amend Enforcement Ordinance - Position and Personnel Changes.pdf

58-2015 Renew Ambulance Franchise for Scappoose RFPD (Area 2).pdf

59-2015 Renew Ambulance Franchise for CRF&R (Areas 3-4).pdf

60-2015 Renew Ambulance Franchise for Clatskanie RFPD (Area 5).pdf

61-2015 Renew Ambulance Franchise for Mist-Birkenfeld RFPD (Area 6).pdf

62-2015 Renew Ambulance Franchise for Metro West Ambulance (Area 7).pdf

63-2015 Calling An Election on CC Rider Transit District.pdf

64-2015 Livestock Attack by Dog Owned by James Goodman.pdf

65-2015 Distributing Strategic Investment Program Payments for 2016.pdf

67-2015 Declaration of a State of Emergency Due to Severe Weather Event.pdf

Board Meeting Agenda

BOC Agenda 010614.pdf

BOC Agenda 011514.pdf

BOC Agenda 012214.pdf

BOC Agenda 012914.pdf

BOC Agenda 020514.pdf

BOC Agenda 021214.pdf

BOC Agenda 021914.pdf

BOC Agenda 022614.pdf

BOC Agenda 030514.pdf

BOC Agenda 031214.pdf

BOC Agenda 031914.pdf

BOC Agenda 032614.pdf

BOC Agenda 040214.pdf

BOC Agenda 040914.pdf

BOC Agenda 041614.pdf

BOC Agenda 042314.pdf

BOC Agenda 043014.pdf

BOC Agenda 050714.pdf

BOC Agenda 051414.pdf

BOC Agenda 052114.pdf

BOC Agenda 052814.pdf

BOC Agenda 060414.pdf

BOC Agenda 061114.pdf

BOC Agenda 061814.pdf

BOC Agenda 062514.pdf

BOC Agenda 070214.pdf

BOC Agenda 070914.pdf

BOC Agenda 071614.pdf

BOC Agenda 072314.pdf

BOC Agenda 073014.pdf

BOC Agenda 080614.pdf

BOC Agenda 081314.pdf

BOC Agenda 082014.pdf

BOC Agenda 082714.pdf

BOC Agenda 090314.pdf

BOC Agenda 091014.pdf

BOC Agenda 091714.pdf

BOC Agenda 092414.pdf

BOC Agenda 100114.pdf

BOC Agenda 100814.pdf

BOC Agenda 101514.pdf

BOC Agenda 102214.pdf

BOC Agenda 102914.pdf

BOC Agenda 110514.pdf

BOC Agenda 111214.pdf

BOC Agenda 111914.pdf

BOC Agenda 112614.pdf

BOC Agenda 120314.pdf

BOC Agenda 121714.pdf

BOC Agenda 122414.pdf

BOC Agenda 123114.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.06.14 BOC.pdf 

01.15.14 BOC.pdf

01.22.14 BOC.pdf

01.29.14 BOC.pdf

02.05.14 BOC.pdf

02.12.14 BOC.pdf

03.05.14 BOC.pdf

03.12.14 BOC.pdf

03.19.14 BOC.pdf

04.02.14 BOC.pdf

04.09.14 BOC.pdf

04.16.14 BOC.pdf

04.23.14 BOC.pdf

04.30.14 BOC.pdf

05.07.14 BOC.pdf

05.14.14 BOC.pdf

05.28.14 BOC.pdf

06.04.14 BOC.pdf

06.11.14 BOC.pdf

06.18.14 BOC.pdf

06.25.14 BOC.pdf

07.02.14 BOC.pdf

07.16.14 BOC.pdf

07.23.14 BOC.pdf

07.30.14 BOC.pdf

08.06.14 BOC.pdf

08.13.14 BOC.pdf

08.20.14 BOC.pdf

08.27.14 BOC.pdf

09.03.14 BOC.pdf

09.10.14 BOC.pdf

09.17.14 BOC.pdf

09.24.14 BOC.pdf

10.01.14 BOC.pdf

10.08.14 BOC.pdf

10.15.14 BOC.pdf

10.22.14 BOC.pdf

10.29.14 BOC.pdf

11.05.14 BOC.pdf

11.12.14 BOC.pdf

11.26.14 BOC.pdf

12.10.14 BOC.pdf

12.17.14 BOC.pdf

12.31.14 BOC.pdf

Orders Resolutions

01-2014 Special Procurement for Food,Commissary,Laundry for Jail.pdf

02-2014 Resolution Amending SCCEZ Boundaries.pdf

03-2014 Acquire ROW Easements for JP West Bridge.pdf

04-2014 Calling Election for Jail Levy.pdf

05-2014 Declaring County Property as Surplus - Boathouse.pdf

06-2014 Examine Jail for Maximum Inmates.pdf

07-2014 Authorize Chuck Daughtry to Sign Extended EZ Agreement - Clear Water.pdf

08-2014 Authorize Chuck Daughtry to Sign Extended EZ Agreement - Photosolutions, Inc.pdf

09-2014 Designate Sheriff as Supervisory Authority.pdf

10-2014 Livestock Attack Dogs Owned by David Hellberg.pdf

11-2014 Application to Participate in Assessment & Taxation Grant.pdf

12-2014 Livestock Attack - Dog Owned by Miles Reardon.pdf

13-2014 Vacation of a Portion of Jackson Way Near Scappoose.pdf

13-2014 Amended Order for Vacation of Jackson Way.pdf

15-2014 Convey County Owned Property to Peggy Tarbell.pdf

16-2014 Amending County Enforcement Ordinance.pdf

17-2014 Establishing Furlough Schedule for FY 2014-15(1).pdf

17-2014 Amended & Restated Establishing Furlough Schedule for FY 2014-15.pdf

18-2014 Name Private Road Five Peaks Terrace.pdf

19-2014 Supplemental Budget Inter-Fund Transfers FY 2013-14.pdf

20-2014 Adopt 2014-15 Community Justice Plan.pdf

21-2014 Distribution of Proceeds - Gas & Land Sales.pdf

22-2014 - Reimburse Vernonia RFPD - Mist Gas Revenues.pdf

23-2014 Reimburse Mist-Birkenfeld RFPD - Mist Gas Revenues.pdf

24-2014 Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

25-2014 Adopting Columbia County Budget for FY 2014-15.pdf

26-2014 Declare Fiscal Emergency and Modify Recording Dates.pdf

27-2014 Allocating Revolving Loan Funds to CAT.pdf

28-2014 Authorize Road Maintenance on Zimmerman Road.pdf

29-2014 Todd & Liana Viken CU Permit for Dog Kennel.pdf

30-2014 Authorize Additional Projects with Existing Finance Agreement.pdf

30-2014 Authorize Additional Projects with Existing Finance Agreement.pdf

31-2014 Adopt Findings for Use of County Resources to Provide Jail Food Services.pdf

32-2014 Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection in Rural Columbia County.pdf

33-2014 Amend LDS Fee Schedules.pdf

34-2014 Convey Property to Linda Hooper and Randy Leach.pdf

35-2014 Exempt Contract with Envi-Road for Asphalt Emulsion.pdf

36-2014 Acquire Easement for Mayger Fill Road Bridge at Flume Creek.pdf

36-2014 AMENDED Acquire Easement for Mayger Fill Road Bridge at Flume Creek.pdf

37-2014 Support New Local Workforce Investment Area.pdf

37-2014 AMENDED Support Local Workforce without Linn County.pdf

38-2014 Conveying Property to Thad and Amy Galloway.pdf

39-2014 Authorize County FY 2014-15 Supplemental Budget.pdf

40-2014 Adopt 2014 Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigatiion Plan Update.pdf

41-2014 Procurement for Medical and Mental Health Services for Jail.pdf

42-2014 Schedule of Fines for Building Code Violations.pdf

43-2014 Appoint Don Clack as Elections Supervisor.pdf

44-2014 Adopt CC Rider Transit System Title VI Program.pdf

45-2014 Dedication of Wayside Court from Matthew Treat.pdf

46-2014 Authorize Road Maintenance on Dutch Canyon Road.pdf

47-2014 Reimburse HTC Impact Costs.pdf

47-2014 AMENDED Reimburse HTC Impact Costs 1.21.15.pdf

48-2014 Directing Sheriff's Sale of County Owned Property.pdf

49-2014 Livestock Attack by Dogs Owned by Ryan Erickson.pdf

50-2014 WREDC Template Test in PF-80 Zone.pdf

50-2014 Amended Order 50-2014 WREDC Reconsideration.pdf

51-2014 Amend Process Service Fee Schedule.pdf

52-2014 Temporary Closure of Scaponia & Hudson Parks.pdf

53-2014 Attack by Dogs Owned by Benjamin Lebeck.pdf

54-2014 Amending Rules, Regs and Fees for County Parks.pdf

55-2014 Livestock Attack by Dog Owned by Nawnie Hack.pdf

56-2014 Dedicate County Property for Road & Utility Purposes - Timoney Road.pdf

58-2014 Sale of County Property to Susan & Mark Hadley.pdf

Staff Meeting Minutes

01.06.14 Staff.pdf

01.15.14 Staff.pdf

01.29.14 Staff.pdf

02.05.14 Staff.pdf

02.12.14 Staff.pdf

02.19.14 Staff.pdf

03.05.14 Staff.pdf

03.12.14 Staff.pdf

03.19.14 Staff.pdf

04.02.14 Staff.pdf

04.09.14 Staff.pdf

04.16.14 Staff.pdf

04.23.14 Staff.pdf

04.30.14 Staff.pdf

05.07.14 Staff.pdf

05.14.14 Staff.pdf

05.28.14 Staff.pdf

06.04.14 Staff.pdf

06.1114 Staff.pdf

06.18.14 Staff.pdf

06.25.14 Staff.pdf

07.02.14 Staff.pdf

07.23.14 Staff.pdf

07.30.14 Staff.pdf

08.06.14 Staff.pdf

08.13.14 Staff.pdf

08.20.14 Staff.pdf

08.27.14 Staff.pdf

09.03.14 Staff.pdf

09.17.14 Staff.pdf

09.24.14 Staff.pdf

10.01.14 Staff.pdf

10.08.14 Staff.pdf

10.15.14 Staff.pdf

10.22.14 Staff.pdf

11.05.14 Staff.pdf

11.12.14 Staff.pdf

11.26.14 Staff.pdf

12.10.14 Staff.pdf

12.17.14 Staff.pdf

Board Meeting Agenda

BOC Agenda 010713.pdf

BOC Agenda 012313.pdf

BOC Agenda 013013.pdf

BOC Agenda 020613.pdf

BOC Agenda 021313.pdf

BOC Agenda 022013.pdf

BOC Agenda 022713.pdf

BOC Agenda 030613.pdf

BOC Agenda 031313.pdf

BOC Agenda 032013.pdf

BOC Agenda 032713.pdf

BOC Agenda 040313.pdf

BOC Agenda 041013.pdf

BOC Agenda 041713.pdf 

BOC Agenda 042413.pdf

BOC Agenda 050113.pdf

BOC Agenda 050813.pdf

BOC Agenda 051513.pdf

BOC Agenda 052213.pdf

BOC Agenda 052913.pdf

BOC Agenda 060513.pdf

BOC Agenda 061213.pdf

BOC Agenda 061913.pdf

BOC Agenda 070313.pdf

BOC Agenda 071013.pdf

BOC Agenda 072413.pdf 

BOC Agenda 073113.pdf

BOC Agenda 080713.pdf

BOC Agenda 081413.pdf

BOC Agenda 082813.pdf

BOC Agenda 090413.pdf

BOC Agenda 091113.pdf

BOC Agenda 091813.pdf

BOC Agenda 100213.pdf

BOC Agenda 100913.pdf

BOC Agenda 101613.pdf

BOC Agenda 102313.pdf

BOC Agenda 103013.pdf

BOC Agenda 110613.pdf

BOC Agenda 111313.pdf

BOC Agenda 112713.pdf

BOC Agenda 120413.pdf

BOC Agenda 121113.pdf

BOC Agenda 121813.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

010713 BOC.pdf

012313 BOC.pdf

013013 BOC.pdf

020613 BOC.pdf

021313 BOC.pdf

022013 BOC.pdf

022713 BOC.pdf

030613 BOC.pdf

031313 BOC.pdf

032013 BOC.pdf

032713 BOC.pdf

040313 BOC.pdf

041013 BOC.pdf

041713 BOC.pdf

042413 BOC.pdf

050113 BOC.pdf

050813 BOC.pdf

051513 BOC.pdf

052213 BOC.pdf

052913 BOC.pdf

060513 BOC.pdf

061213 BOC.pdf

061913 BOC.pdf

062613 BOC.pdf

070313 BOC.pdf

071013 BOC.pdf

072413 BOC.pdf

073113 BOC.pdf

080713 BOC.pdf

081413 BOC.pdf

082813 BOC.pdf

090413 BOC.pdf

091113 BOC.pdf

091813 BOC.pdf

100213 BOC.pdf

100913 BOC.pdf

101613 BOC.pdf

102313 BOC.pdf

103013 BOC.pdf

110613 BOC.pdf

111313 BOC.pdf

112713 BOC.pdf

120413 BOC.pdf

121113 BOC.pdf

121813 BOC.pdf

Staff Meeting Mintues

01.07.13 Staff.pdf

01.16.13 Staff.pdf

01.23.13 Staff.pdf

01.30.13 Staff.pdf

02.06.13 Staff.pdf

02.13.13 Staff.pdf

02.20.13 Staff.pdf

02.27.13 Staff.pdf

03.06.13 Staff.pdf

03.13.13 Staff.pdf

03.20.13 Staff.pdf

03.27.13 Staff.pdf

04.03.13 Staff.pdf

04.10.13 Staff.pdf

04.24.13 Staff.pdf

05.01.13 Staff.pdf

05.08.13 Staff.pdf

05.15.13 Staff.pdf

05.22.13 Staff.pdf

05.29.13 Staff.pdf

06.05.13 Staff.pdf

06.12.13 Staff.pdf

06.19.13 Staff.pdf

07.03.13 Staff.pdf

07.10.13 Staff.pdf

07.24.13 Staff.pdf

07.31.13 Staff.pdf

08.07.13 Staff.pdf

08.14.13 Staff.pdf

09.04.13 Staff.pdf

09.11.13 Staff.pdf

09.18.13 Staff.pdf

10.02.13 Staff.pdf

10.09.13 Staff.pdf

10.16.13 Staff.pdf

10.23.13 Staff.pdf

10.30.13 Staff.pdf

11.06.13 Staff.pdf

11.13.13 Staff.pdf

11.27.13 Staff.pdf

12.04.13 Staff.pdf

12.11.13 Staff.pdf

12.18.13 Staff.pdf

Orders Resolutions

01-2013 Resolution Authorizing SPWF for Emergency Road Repairs.pdf

02-2013 Order Amending Park Rules & Regulations.pdf

03-2013 Resolution Appointing Julie Metz as JOP, Pro Tempore.pdf

04-2013 Order Approving the Updated Coordinated Human Services Public Transportation Plan.pdf

05-2013 Order Adopting CC Rider Service Reductions.pdf

06-2013 Order Setting Number of Positions on Fair Board.pdf

07-2013 Order Declaring Surplus Property - Justice Juvenile Vehicles.pdf

08-2013 Order Conveying Property to Patricia James.pdf

09-2013 Order Appointing Members to HSEMC.pdf

10-2013 Resolution Supporting James Healy.pdf

11-2013 Order Declaring Surplus Property - UNC Property.pdf

12-2013 Order Declaring Surplus Property - Parks & Recreation Vehicles.pdf

13-2013 Order Declaring Surplus Property - IT Equipment.pdf

14-2013 Resolution to Participate in A&T Grant.pdf

15-2013 Order Amending Policies for Title II ADA.pdf

16-2013 Resolution Acquiring Easement from Wm Morrill for Slide Repair Nick Thomas Rd.pdf

17-2013 Authorize Brian Little to sign EZ Agreement with Teevin Bros..pdf

18-2013 Resolution Appointing Sue Martin as LCMEZ Manager.pdf

19-2013 Appointing Sue Martin as South Columbia County EZ Manager.pdf

20-2013 Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Budget for FY 2012-13.pdf

21-2013 Convey Easement to ODOT for Rainier Bike Path.pdf 

22-2013 Acquire Temporary Easement for JP West Bridge Imprrovements.pdf

23-2013 Use of County Personnel and Resources to Operate CC Rider.pdf

24-2013 Order Conveying Property to Eric Stobel.pdf

25-2013 - Vacation of Cheldelin Road.pdf

26-2013 Exempt Envi-Road Contract from Completive Bidding.pdf

27-2013 Adopting Jail Capacity Management Plan & Limits.pdf

28-2013 - Adopting County Budget for FY 2013-14.pdf

29-2013 Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

30-2013 Distribution Under ORS 275.275 Gas & Land Sales.pdf

31-2013 Reimburse Mist-Birkenfeld RFPD Impact Costs.pdf

32-2013 Reimburse Vernonia RFPD Impact Costs.pdf

33-2013 Establishing Furlough Schedule for FY 2013-14.pdf

34-2013 Modify Recording Dates in Clerks Office.pdf

35-2013 Audio Amp for Wapato Church Event at Big Eddy.pdf

36-2013 Rate Adjustment for Curbside Collection Services.pdf

37-2013 Calling for Election for Jail Levy.pdf

38-2013 Knife River Temporary Permit for Batch Plant.pdf

39-2013 Adopt Local Rule No. 6.pdf

40-2013 Declare Surplus Property IT Equip and FEMA Trailer.pdf

41-2013 Designation & Naming of CZ Trail.pdf

42-2013 Declare Surplus Property and Direct Sale Thereof.pdf

43-2013 Adopt 2013-14 Dept. of Community Justice-Adult Division Plan.pdf

44-2013 Adopt Form License & Indemnity Agreements for Firearms Range.pdf

45-2013 Approving Benefits for Non-Represented Employees.pdf

46-2013 Authorize Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with Cascade Tissue.pdf

47-2013 Order Amending Animal Control Fees.pdf

48-2013 Establish Fines for Violations Concerning Dogs.pdf

49-2013 Reimburse Hood-to-Coast Impact Costs.pdf

50-2013 Appoint Chuck Daughtry as Zone Manager - South Columbia County EZ.pdf

51-2013 Appoint Chuck Daughtry as Zone Manager - LCM EZ.pdf

52-2013 Appoint Julie Metz as Justice Pro Temp.pdf

53-2013 Amending Parks Rules & Regulations.pdf

54-2013 Exempt PSC Rule for Woodland Management.pdf

56-2013 Closure of Certain Road to Heavy Hauling.pdf

Board Meeting Agenda

BOCAgenda 011112.pdf

BOCAgenda 011812.pdf

BOCAgenda 012512.pdf

BOCAgenda 020112.pdf

BOCAgenda 020812.pdf

BOCAgenda 021512.pdf

BOCAgenda 022212.pdf

BOCAgenda 030712.pdf

BOCAgenda 031412.pdf

BOCAgenda 032112.pdf

BOCAgenda 032812.pdf

BOCAgenda 040412.pdf

BOCAgenda 041112.pdf

BOCAgenda 041812.pdf

BOCAgenda 042512.pdf

BOCAgenda 050212.pdf

BOCAgenda 050912.pdf

BOCAgenda 051612.pdf

BOCAgenda 052312.pdf

BOCAgenda 053012.pdf

BOCAgenda 060612.pdf

BOCAgenda 062712.pdf

BOCAgenda 071112.pdf

BOCAgenda 071812.pdf

BOCAgenda 072512.pdf

BOCAgenda 080112.pdf

BOCAgenda 080812.pdf

BOCAgenda 081512.pdf

BOCAgenda 082212.pdf

BOCAgenda 090512.pdf

BOCAgenda 091212.pdf

BOCAgenda 092612.pdf

BOCAgenda 100312.pdf

BOCAgenda 101012.pdf

BOCAgenda 101712.pdf

BOCAgenda 102412.pdf

BOCAgenda 103112.pdf

BOCAgenda 110712.pdf

BOCAgenda 112112.pdf

BOCAgenda 112812.pdf

BOCAgenda 120512.pdf

BOCAgenda 121212.pdf

BOCAgenda 121912.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.03.12 BOC.pdf

01.11.12 BOC.pdf

01.25.12 BOC.pdf

02.01.12 BOC.pdf

02.08.12 BOC.pdf

02.15.12 BOC.pdf

02.22.12 BOC.pdf

03.07.12 BOC.pdf

03.14.12 BOC.pdf

03.21.12 BOC.pdf

03.28.12 BOC.pdf

04.04.12 BOC.pdf

04.11.12 BOC.pdf

04.18.12 BOC.pdf

04.25.12 BOC.pdf

05.02.12 BOC.pdf

05.09.12 BOC.pdf

05.16.12 BOC.pdf

05.23.12 BOC.pdf

05.30.12 BOC.pdf

06.06.12 BOC.pdf

06.20.12 BOC.pdf

06.27.12 BOC.pdf

07.11.12 BOC.pdf

07.18.12 BOC.pdf

07.2512 BOC.pdf

08.01.12 BOC.pdf

08.08.12 BOC.pdf

09.05.12 BOC.pdf

09.12.12 BOC.pdf

09.19.12 BOC.pdf 

09.26.12 BOC.pdf

10.03.12 BOC.pdf

10.10.12 BOC.pdf

10.17.12 BOC.pdf

10.24.12 BOC.pdf

10.31.12 BOC.pdf

11.07.12 BOC.pdf

11.21.12 BOC.pdf

11.28.12 BOC.pdf

12.05.12 BOC.pdf

12.12.12 BOC.pdf

12.19.12 BOC.pdf

Staff Meeting Minutes

01.11.12 Staff.pdf

01.25.12 Staff.pdf

02.01.12 Staff.pdf

02.08.12 Staff.pdf

02.15.12 Staff.pdf

03.07.12 Staff.pdf

03.14.12 Staff.pdf

03.21.12 Staff.pdf

04.04.12 Staff.pdf

04.11.12 Staff.pdf

04.18.12 Staff.pdf

04.25.12 Staff.pdf

05.02.12 Staff.pdf

05.09.12 Staff.pdf

05.16.12 Staff.pdf

05.2312 Staff.pdf

05.30.12 Staff.pdf

06.06.12 Staff.pdf

06.20.12 Staff.pdf

06.27.12 Staff.pdf

07.11.12 Staff.pdf

08.01.12 Staff.pdf

08.08.12 Staff.pdf

08.15.12 Staff.pdf

08.22.12 Staff.pdf

08.29.12 Staff.pdf

09.05.12 Staff.pdf

09.12.12 Staff.pdf

09.19.12 Staff.pdf

10.10.12 Staff.pdf

10.17.12 Staff.pdf

10.24.12 Staff.pdf

10.31.12 Staff.pdf

11.07.12 Staff.pdf

11.21.12 Staff.pdf

12.05.12 Staff.pdf

12.12.12 Staff.pdf

Orders Resolutions

01-2012 Resolution - Appoint Julie Metz as Justice of the Peace Pro Tem.pdf

02-2012 Order - Adopt Fare & Service Change Police for CC Rider.pdf

03-2012 Order - Add New Members to HSEMC.pdf

04-2012 Order - Declare County Property Surplus & Direct Sale.pdf 

05-2012 Order - Amend Fee Schedule to Include Sheriff Fees.pdf

06-2012 Order - Approve Title III Projects.pdf

07-2012 Order - Amend Rules & Regs for County Parks.pdf

08-2012 Order - Amend Enforcement Ordinance.pdf

09-2012 Resolution - Support O&C Trust, Conservation & Jobs Act.pdf

10-2012 Order - Road Vacation [Williams].pdf

11-2012 Resolution Appointing New Administrator for Ambulance Service Ordinance.pdf

12-2012 Resolution - Nominating Oregon Regionally Significant Industrial Area.pdf

13-2012 Resolution to Participate in A&T Grant.pdf

14-2012 Resolution Authorizing Withdrawal of Special Advocacy Fund.pdf

15-2012 Order - Amended and Restated - Furlough Days.pdf

16-2012 Resolution - Acknowledge Amendment AFSCME Local 1442 on Section 17.10.pdf

17-2012 Order Creating the Department of Community Justice.pdf

18-2012 Order Allowing Alcohol at Camp Wilkerson Summer 2012.pdf

19-2012 Order - Livestock Attack by Julie Christopher Dog.pdf

20-2012 Resolution USACE & ODOT Consultations for 2007 Flood Event.pdf

21-2012 Resolution Adopting the 2012-13 Community Corrections Plan.pdf

22-2012 Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Budget for FY 2011-12.pdf

23-2012 Resolution Authorizing Intra Fund Transfers for FY 2011-12.pdf

23-2012 Resolution Authorizing Intra Fund Transfers for FY 2011-12.pdf

24-2012 Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loans for FY 2011-12 Shortfalls.pdf

25-2012 Resolution Adopting FY 2012-13 County Budget.pdf

26-2012 Order 2012 Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

27-2012 Order 2012 Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275.275.pdf

28-2012 Order Reimburse Mist-Birkenfeld Impact Costs.pdf

29-2012 Order Reimburse Vernonia RFPD Impact Costs.pdf

30-2012 Order Amending Surveyor Fees.pdf

31-2012 Order Annexing City of Clatskanie to the Rainier Cemetery District.pdf

32-2012 Resolution Modifying Recording Dates.pdf

33-2012 Order Naming Road Copperhead Drive.pdf

34-2012 Order for Curbside Recycling in Rainier.pdf

35-2012 Order Amending Building Fees.pdf

36-2012 Order for Rate Adjustments for Curbside Collection in Vernonia and St. Helens.pdf

37-2012 Order on Livestock Attack by Dog owned by Dean Crandall.pdf

38-2012 Order - Appeal of LUCS 12-13 for Deer Pointe MHP.pdf

39-2012 Order - Livestock Attack Tommy Carr.pdf

40-2012 Resolution Appointing New Ambulance Service Administrator.pdf

41-2012 - Order Withdrawing Birch Lane LID.pdf

42-2012 Resolution for FY2012 O&C Safety Net Payments.pdf

43-2012 Order Adopting Policies for Civil Rights Act.pdf

44-2012 Order Amending Fees for Animal Control Services.pdf

45-2012 Order Modifying Furlough Schedule for FY 2012-13.pdf

46-2012 Resolution Authorizing Supplemental Budget for FY 2012-13.pdf

47-2012 Resolution Authorizing Interfund Loans to Close FY 2011-12 Short Falls.pdf

48-2012 Resolution to Continue the Special Advocacy Fund.pdf

49-2012 Amended Order Reimbursing Costs for Hood to Coast.pdf

49-2012 Order Reimbursing Costs for Hood to Coast.pdf

50-2012 Order Approving Kristen Dreyer Variance to Kennel Standard.pdf

51-2012 Order Approving Title III Projects.pdf

52-2012 Order Approving Application by Priscilla Jauron for PLA.pdf

53-2012 Order Authorizing Grading of Chapman Grange Road.pdf

54-2012 Order Acquiring Easement from Lynn Smith for Fishhawk Bridge.pdf

55-2012 Order Acquiring Easement from Lourdes Dominguez for Fishhawk Bridge.pdf

56-2012 Order Acquiring Easement from Darrin Mossor for Fishhawk Bridge.pdf

57-2012 Order Acquiring Easement from Nelson Boyer for Fishhawk Bridge.pdf

58-2012 Order Approving Contract Extension with ARAMARK.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.03.11 BOC.pdf

01.12.11 BOC.pdf

01.19.11 BOC.pdf

01.26.11 BOC.pdf

02.02.11 BOC.pdf

02.09.11 BOC.pdf

02.16.11 BOC.pdf

02.23.11 BOC.pdf

03.02.11 BOC.pdf

03.09.11 BOC.pdf

03.16.11 BOC.pdf

03.16.11 BOC.pdf

03.30.11 BOC.pdf

04.06.11 BOC.pdf

04.13.11 BOC.pdf

04.20.11 BOC.pdf

04.27.11 BOC.pdf

05.04.11 BOC.pdf

05.11.11 BOC.pdf

05.25.11 BOC.pdf

06.01.11 BOC.pdf

06.08.11 BOC.pdf

06.15.11 BOC.pdf

06.22.11 BOC.pdf

06.29.11 BOC.pdf

07.06.11 BOC.pdf

07.13.11 BOC.pdf

07.20.11 BOC.pdf

07.27.11 BOC.pdf

08.03.11 BOC.pdf

08.10.11 BOC.pdf

08.17.11 BOC.pdf

08.24.11 BOC.pdf

08.31.11 BOC.pdf

09.07.11 BOC.pdf

09.14.11 BOC.pdf

09.21.11 BOC.pdf

09.28.11 BOC.pdf

10.05.11 BOC.pdf

10.12.11 BOC.pdf

10.19.11 BOC.pdf

10.26.11 BOC.pdf

11.02.11 BOC.pdf

11.09.11 BOC.pdf

11.23.11 BOC.pdf

11.30.11 BOC.pdf

12.07.11 BOC.pdf

12.14.11 BOC.pdf

12.21.11 BOC.pdf

12.28.11 BOC.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.11.11 WS.pdf

01.25.11 WS.pdf

02.08.11 WS.pdf

02.22.11 WS.pdf

03.08.11 WS.pdf

04.12.11 WS.pdf

04.26.11 WS.pdf

05.10.11 WS.pdf

06.14.11 WS.pdf

06.28.11 WS.pdf

07.12.11 WS.pdf

07.26.11 WS.pdf

08.23.11 WS.pdf

09.13.11 WS.pdf

09.27.11 WS.pdf

10.11.11 WS.pdf

11.22.11 WS.pdf

Orders Resolutions

1-2011 Order Matter of Re-Appointing Members and Adding New Members to the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Commission.pdf

2-2011 Resolution Matter of Maintaining Funding for Law Enforcement Purposes.pdf

3-2011 Order Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Law Enforcement Local Option Tax Levy.pdf

4-2011 Order Matter of Authorizing an Application to the Oregon Department of Energy for a Loan from the Small Scale Energy Loan Program for Energy Improvement Projects at the Columbia County Courthouse and Annex.pdf

5-2011 Order Matter of Accepting the Dedication of Additional Right of Way Extending the Blaha County Road Extension Scappoose Oregon from John Ryan Neil.pdf

6-2011 Resolution Matter of a Request to Amend the boundaries of the St. Helens Columbia City Enterprise Zone.pdf

7-2010 Resolution Matter of Appointing Delegates to Apply for and Accept Federal Grant Funds Under 49 USC.pdf

8-2011 Order Matter of Closure of Certain County Roads to Heavy Hauling Limiting Maximum Weight to 10k pounds.pdf

9-2011 Order Matter of Amending the Rules and Regulations and Fee Schedule Governing Columbia County Forests, Park, Beaches, Dock, and Other Recreational Facilities Subject to Ordinance 94-9.pdf

10-2011 Order Matter of Exempting a Personal Service Conract for Forestry Services Consulting from the Screening and Selection Procedures of the Personal Services Contracting Rule.pdf

11-2011 Order Matter of Allowing the Service of Alcohol at Weddings to Take Place at Camp Wilkerson in July 2011.pdf

12-2011 Order Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property on Apiary Road to Clinton F and Donna S Hendershot and Accepting Certain Real Property from Clinton F and Donna S Hendershot.pdf

14-2011 Order Matter of Granting Permission to the UOP Army ROTC to Conduct Certain Activities at Camp Wilkerson During its Reserved Use from April 1 to April 3 2011.pdf

15-2011 Order Matter of Adopting a Procedure for Use of the Project Request Form.pdf

16-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing a Loan Agreement in a A Principal Amount Not To Exceed 713K and Authorizing Reimbursement of Expenditures From Proceeds.pdf

17-2011 Order Matter of Approving Title III Projects for FFY 2011 under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Act of 2000 (1).pdf

18-2011 Resolution Matter of Supporting the Update of the Columbia City Transportation Systems Plan and county Staff's Application.pdf

19-2011 Order Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property off Pine Avenue Columbia Acres No 3 Scappoose Oregon to Scott Sylvester and Roman V Novokhatniy.pdf

20-2011 Order Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property off of Clark Street Near Milton Way St. Helens Oregon to Brian Gardner Connie Gardener Terry E Massey Jr and Jennifer M Massey.pdf

21-2011 Order Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property off of Division Street South in St. Helens Oregon to Jimmy L Gortler and Kenna L Gortler.pdf

22-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing the Columbia County Finance Director to approve De Minimis Changes in Flood Recovery Project Costs Up to 2k.pdf

23-2011 Order Matter of Adopting a Disadvantage Business Enterprise Policy Statement and Program(1).pdf

24-2011 Order Matter of the Interpretation of the Columbia County Natural Resources Depletion Fee Ordinance.pdf

25-2011 Order Matter of a Resolution Regarding USACE and ODOT Consultations for HMGP FMA Acquisition Project 2007 Flood Event.pdf

26-2011 Order Matter of Allowing the Service of Alcohol at Weddings to Take Place at Camp Wilkerson In August and September 2011.pdf

27-2011 Order Matter of Adding New Members to the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Commission.pdf

28-2011 Order Matter of Acceptation the Dedication of Additional right of way to Millard County Road Warren Oregon from the St. Helens Community Bible Church.pdf

29-2011 Resolution Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf

30-2011 Resolution Matter of Acquiring a Permanent Slope Easement from Alice Dubois for the Canaan Road Guardrail Project.pdf

31-2011 Resolution Matter of Acquiring a Permanent Slope Easement from Jeremy and Erica Tomaras for the Canaan Road Guardrail Project.pdf

32-2011 Order Matter of Approving Proposals to Mitigate the Effects of Furloughs During Fiscal Year 2011-2012.pdf

34-2011 Order Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Cell Phone Stipend Policy.pdf

35-2011 Order Matter of the Cancellation of the Columbia County HVAC Replacement, Controls and Lightings Upgrades Solicitation pursuant to OAR 137 049 0270.pdf

36-2011 Final Order Matter of the Application of Wayde Elliott for Site Design Review on Approximately 5 Acres Zoned Light Industrial M2 in the City of St. Helens.pdf

37-2011 Resolution Matter of Declaring a Fiscal Emergency and Modifying Recording Dates under ORS 205.242 for the Columbia County Clerk.pdf

38-2011 Order Matter of Establishing Fund Balance Policies for Compliance with GASB 54 and Making Designations for 2011-2012.pdf

39-2011 Resolution Matter of the FFY 2011 Elections for O and C Related Safety-Net Payments Under SRS 2008.pdf

40-2011 Order Matter of Allowing the Service of Alcohol at a Wedding to Take Place at Camp Wilkerson on June 18, 2011.pdf

41-2011 Order Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Social Media Policy.pdf

42-2011 Order Matter of Declaring an Emergency and Awarding a Contract for Local Public Health Services to the Public Health Foundation of Columbia County.pdf

43-2011 Order Oregon Strategic Investment Program Agreement between Columbia County and PGE and Port Westward Peaker Plant to be tax exempt ORS 307.123.pdf

45-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing a Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget Contingency Transer, Intra-Fund Transfer and Making Appropriations.pdf

47-2011 Resolution Matter of the Adotcion of the Columbia County Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf

48-2011 Order Matter of the Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

49-2011 Order Matter of the Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275.275.pdf

50-2011 Order Matter of Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275 2.pdf

51-2011 Order Matter of Reimbursing the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District Pursant to ORS 275.275.pdf

52-2011 Order Matter of Rate Adjustments for Curside Collection Service for Franchised Haulers in Rural Columbia County.pdf

53-2011 Order Matter of Appointing a Financial Assistance Administratin for the 2011-2013 Intergovernmental Agreement with DHS.pdf

54-2011 Order Matter of Allowing the Servie of Alcohol at a Wedding to Take Place at Camp Wilkerson on July 2, 2011.pdf

55-2011 Order Matter of Establishing a Speed Zone for River Front Raod Between Point Adams Road and Woodson Road.pdf

56-2011 Order Matter of Amending Fee Schedules for the LDS Involving Building, Electrial, and other Misc. Permits .pdf

57-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing Chad Olsen to Sign an Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with ORPET LLC.pdf

58-2011 Order Matter of Declaring Certain Personal Property Owned by Columbia County to be Surplus to the County's Needs and Directing the Disposal or Sale Thereof.pdf

59-2011 Order Matter of Adding New Members to the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Commission.pdf

60-2011 Order Matter of Authorizing David Stocker to Sign an Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with Cascade Kelly Holdings LLC.pdf

61-2011 Order Matter of the approval of an Addendum to the Oregon Strategic Investment Program Agreement between Columbia County and PGE.pdf

62-2011 Order Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property off of Mayger-Quicy Road near Clatskanie Oregon to the Zen Community of Oregon.pdf

63-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing Chad Olsen to Sign an Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with Oregon Paper Company Inc..pdf

64-2011 Order Matter of Conveying a 40 foot wide Strip of Land to Weyerhaeuser Company.pdf

65-2011 Order Matter of Granting Permission to the Echoing Evergreens Day Camp Vernonia Boosters.pdf

66-2011 Order Matter of Declaring Certain Personal Property Owned By Columbia County to be Surplus to the County's Needs and Directing th Disposal or Sale Therof.pdf

67-2011 Order Matter of Allowing the Service of Alcohol at a Wedding to Take Place at Camp Wilkerson on September 11, 2011.pdf

68-2011 Order Dedicating County Properties for ROW Purposes.pdf

69-2011 Order Matter of adopting a Policy for the Use of Portable Changeable Message Signs.pdf

70-2011 Order Matter of Amedning the Columbia County Personnel Rules.pdf

71-2011 Resolution Matter of Adopting the 2011-2012 Columbia County Community Corrections Plan.pdf

72-2011 Order Matter of Establishing a Zone Based Fare System and an Increase to the Fares Charged by Columbia County Rider for Transportation Services.pdf

73-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing Chad Olsen to Sign an Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with Oregon Aero Inc..pdf

74-2011 Final Order Matter of the Application of John Crosley for a Resource Dwelling in the Primary Forest Zone.pdf

75-2011 Order Matter of Declaring Certain Personald Property Owned by Columbia County to be Surplus to the County's Needs and Directing the Disposal Thereof.pdf

76.2011 Order Matter of the Cancellation of Uncollectible Personal Property Taxes.pdf

77-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing a Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Appropriation.pdf

78-2011 Resolution Matter of authorization of interfund transfrs and interfund loans to close FY2010-11 fund short falls.pdf

79-2011 Order Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Jail Capacity Management Plan and Adopting A Jail Capacity Limit at the Columbia County Jail.pdf

80-2011 Order Matter of Amending the Fees for Columbia County Animal Control Services.pdf

81-2011 Resoltion Regarding USACE and ODOT Consultations for a HMGP FMA Acquistion Project .pdf

82-2011 Order Matter of Adding New Members to the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Commission.pdf

83-2011 final order Matter of an Appeal of the Application of Northwest Aggregates for a Temporary Permit to Extend Operating Hours at the Bates Roth Surface Mine for a Two Week Period of Time.pdf

84-2011 Resolution Matter of Authorizing David Stocker to Sign an Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with Rightline Equipment, Inc..pdf

85-2011 Order Matter of a Quitclaim Deed and Easements to the Oregon Department of Transportion for a Strip of Land Adjacent to the Right of Way at the Vernonia Pioneer Museum.pdf

86-2011 Order Matter of Amending Polices and Procedures for Compliance with Title II of the American's with Disabilities Act.pdf

87-2011 Order - Adopt County IT Policy.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.05.10 BOC.pdf

01.13.10 BOC.pdf

01.20.10 BOC.pdf

01.27.10 BOC.pdf

02.03.10 BOC.pdf

02.10.10 BOC.pdf

02.17.10 BOC.pdf

02.24.10 BOC.pdf

03.03.10 BOC.pdf

03.10.10 BOC.pdf

03.17.10 BOC.pdf

03.31.10 BOC.pdf

04.07.10 BOC.pdf

04.14.10 BOC.pdf

04.21.10 BOC.pdf

04.28.10 BOC.pdf

05.05.10 BOC.pdf

05.12.10 BOC.pdf

05.19.10 BOC.pdf

05.26.10 BOC.pdf

06.02.10 BOC.pdf

06.09.10 BOC.pdf

06.23.10 BOC.pdf

06.30.10 BOC.pdf

07.07.10 BOC.pdf

07.14.10 BOC.pdf

07.21.10 BOC.pdf

07.28.10 BOC.pdf

08.04.10 BOC.pdf

08.11.10 BOC.pdf

08.18.10 BOC.pdf

08.25.10 BOC.pdf

09.01.10 BOC.pdf

09.08.10 BOC.pdf

09.15.10 BOC.pdf

09.22.10 BOC.pdf

10.06.10 BOC.pdf

10.13.10 BOC.pdf

10.20.10 BOC.pdf

10.27.10 BOC.pdf

11.03.10 BOC.pdf

11.10.10 BOC.pdf

12.011.0 BOC.pdf

12.08.10 BOC.pdf

12.15.10 BOC.pdf

12.22.10 BOC.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.12.10 WS.pdf

01.26.10 WS.pdf

02.23.10 WS.pdf

03.09.10 WS.pdf

04.13.10 WS.pdf

04.21.10 WS.pdf

05.11.10 WS.pdf

05.18.10 WS.pdf

06.08.10 WS.pdf

06.22.10 WS.pdf

07.20.10 WS.pdf

07.27.10 WS.pdf

08.10.10 WS.pdf

08.24.10 WS.pdf

09.14.10 WS.pdf

09.28.10 WS.pdf

10.12.10 WS.pdf

10.19.10 WS.pdf

11.23.10 WS.pdf

Orders Resolutions

1-2010 Refund to NW Natural Gas.pdf

2-2010 Appointing HSEMC.pdf

3-2010 Amend 60-2009 Livestock Attack.pdf

4-2010 Livestock Attack- Hart.pdf

5-2010 Vacation of West Lane Rd.pdf

6-2010 Rate Change CC Transfer Station.pdf

7-2010 Penalties- Fees- Ribaya.pdf

8-2010 Peets to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf

9-2010 Ouellette to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf

10-2010 Thompson to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf

11-2010 Goans to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf

12-2010 Resolution- Competitive Bidding.pdf

13-2010 Surety Bonds & Security Deposits.pdf

14-2010 Conveying Real Property- Curtiss.pdf

15-2010 Conveying Real Property -Smith.pdf

16-2010 Refunding Harbison.pdf

17-2010 Resolution- Assessment & Taxation Grant.pdf

18-2010 Resolution- 2007 Flood.pdf

19-2010 Resolution FY 2008-09 Audit.pdf

20-2010 CC Rider Transit Services.pdf

22-2010 Resolution- 2010 Election for O&C.pdf

23-2010 Appointment Kay Clay.pdf

24-2010 Anderson to Serve Alcohol at Camp Wilkerson .pdf

25-2010 Refund Deposit for Smith & Lee.pdf

26-2010 Transfer Certain Access Approah Deposits.pdf

27-2010 Resolution- Modifying Recording Dates County Clerks.pdf

28-2010 Surplus Property.pdf

29-2010 Distribution of Proceeds.pdf

30-2010Reimbursing Mist Birkenfeld RFPD.pdf

31-2010 Reimbursing Vernonia RFPD.pdf

32-2010 Distribution of Forest Trust- Revenues.pdf

33-2010 Conveying real property to Lott.pdf

34-2010 Resolution- Adoption of FY 2010-11 Budget.pdf

36-2010 Resolution- Approve Defferral Cascade Kelly Holdings.pdf

36-2010 Resolution-Amend Cascade Enterprise Zone.pdf

37-2010 Resolution- Authorize Director of Finance.pdf

38-2010 Grant Permission to Latter Day Saints.pdf

39-2010 Dedication of Right of way.pdf

40-2009 Leasing County owned oil and gas.pdf

41-2010 Penalties against- Hart.pdf

42-2010 Forfeting Certain Access Approach Deposits.pdf

43-2010 Mullins to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf 

44-2010 Approval of Appointment of Kathy MacNeil.pdf

45-2010 Resolution-CZ Trail.pdf

47-2010 Surplus Property.pdf

48-2010 Calling an Election.pdf

49-2010 Kooyman & Campbell to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson.pdf

50-2010 Stonehouse to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf

51-2010 GIS Consulting.pdf

52-2010 Insurance -Park Facilities.pdf

53-2010 Transfer Deposit- Cramer.pdf

55-2010 Approval of Appointment Alisha Davis.pdf

56-2010 Resolution- Support Assisted Housing Program.pdf

57-2010 Resolution- Appointing Dave Stocker.pdf

58-2010 Dissolving Scappoose Parks & Rec.pdf

59-2010 Vacation of Hemlock Dr.pdf

60-2010 Surplus Property.pdf

61-2010 Exempting Personal Service Contracts.pdf

62-2010 Exempting Personal Services Contact.pdf

63-2010 Wright to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson.pdf

64-2010 Petition by WREDCO.pdf

65-2010 Adopting Drug and Alcohol Policy.pdf

66-2010 Final Order -Viken.pdf

68-2010 Surplus Property.pdf

69-2010 Amend Solid Waste Management Ordinance.pdf

70-2010 Resolution - 2007 Flood Event.pdf

71-2010 Appointing HSEMC.pdf

72-2010 Renewing Franchise SRFPD.pdf

73-2010 Renewing Franchise CRFPD.pdf

74-2010 Renewing Franchise CRFPD Area 5.pdf

75-2010 Renewing Franchise MBFPD Area 6.pdf

76-2010 Renewing Franchise Metro Ambulance Service Area 7.pdf

77-2010 Surplus Property .pdf

78-2010 Amend Col Co Zoning Ordinance.pdf

79-2010 Approving Transfer Station Fee.pdf

80-2010 Application of Ginger Lee.pdf

81-2010 Declaring FFY 2010 Title III Project.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.05.09 BOC.pdf

01.14.09 BOC.pdf

01.21.09 BOC.pdf

01.28.09 BOC.pdf

02.04.09 BOC.pdf

02.11.09 BOC.pdf

02.18.09 BOC.pdf

02.25.09 BOC.pdf

03.04.09 BOC.pdf

03.11.09 BOC.pdf

03.18.09 BOC.pdf

03.25.09 BOC.pdf

04.01.09 BOC.pdf

04.08.09 BOC.pdf

04.15.09 BOC.pdf

04.22.09 BOC.pdf

04.29.09 BOC.pdf

05.06.09 BOC.pdf

05.13.09 BOC.pdf

05.27.09 BOC.pdf

06.10.09 BOC.pdf

06.17.09 BOC.pdf

06.24.09 BOC.pdf

07.01.09 BOC.pdf

07.08.09 BOC.pdf

07.15.09 BOC.pdf

07.22.09 BOC.pdf

08.05.09 BOC.pdf

08.12.09 BOC.pdf

08.19.09 BOC.pdf

08.26.09 BOC.pdf

09.02.09 BOC.pdf

09.09.09 BOC.pdf

09.16.09 BOC.pdf

09.23.09 BOC.pdf

09.30.09 BOC.pdf

10.07.09 BOC.pdf

10.14.09 BOC.pdf

10.21.09 BOC.pdf

10.28.09 BOC.pdf

11.04.09 BOC.pdf

11.24.09 BOC.pdf

12.02.09 BOC.pdf

12.09.09 BOC.pdf

12.16.09 BOC.pdf

12.30.09 BOC.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.13.09 WK Session.pdf

01.27.09 WK Session.pdf

02.24.09 WK Session.pdf

03.24.09 WK Session.pdf

04.14.09 WK Session.pdf

04.28.09 WK Session.pdf

05.12.09 WK Session.pdf

05.26.09 WK Session.pdf

06.09.09 WK Session.pdf

07.14.09 WK Session.pdf

08.25.09 WK Session.pdf

09.08.09 WK Session.pdf

10.13.09 WK Session.pdf

11.10.09 WK Session.pdf

Orders Resolutions

2-2009 Litigation Liablilty.pdf

3-2009 Surplus Property.pdf

3-2009 Amend -Surplus Property.pdf

4-2009 Resolution -Fair Housing Program.pdf

5-2009 Bereavement Leave.pdf

6-2009 Final Order Ed Bergman.pdf

7-2009 Surplus Property.pdf

8-2009 Conveying Real Property.pdf

9-2009 Amend Fee Schedule -Recreational Facilities.pdf

10-2009 Final Order T. & L Viken.pdf

11-2009 Flood Recovery.pdf

12-2009 Rainer Sanitary Name Change.pdf

13-2009 Withdrawal of County Rds.pdf

14-2009 Leasing County Owned Oil & Gas.pdf

15-2009 Leasing County Owned Oil & Gas.pdf

16-2009 Appointing Advisosry Committee.pdf

18-2009 Conveying Property to St Helens.pdf

19-2009 Firerange Complex.pdf

20-2009 Appointing HSEMC.pdf

21-2009 Resolution- Low Bid Requirements.pdf

22-2009 Early Retirement Package.pdf

23-2009 Conveying Property- Horton.pdf

24-2009 Resolution- Assesmetn & Taxation Grant.pdf

25-2009 Enforcement Postion-Personnel Changes.pdf

26-2009 Resolution - FFY 2009 Elections.pdf

27-2009 Right-of-way for Public Rds & Utility.pdf

28-2009 Competitive Bidding Requirments.pdf

29-2009 Community Development Block Grant Funds.pdf

30-2009 Camp Wilkerson .pdf

31-2009 Resolution- Submission of Local Government Grant.pdf

32-2009 Camp Wilkerson Young Woman's Group.pdf

33-2009 Resolution - Supplemental Budget Adj.- sCC Rider.pdf

34-2009 Kennel Ordinance.pdf

35-2009 Distribution of Forest Trust Lands Revenues.pdf

36-2009 Distribution of Proceeds.pdf

37-2009 Reimbursing Mist- Birkenfield RFPD.pdf

38-2009 Reimbursing Vernonia RFPD.pdf

39-2009 Resolution- CCCC 09-11 Bienial Plan.pdf

40-2009 Resolution- CC Budget for Fiscal year 09-10.pdf

41-2009 Resolution-Various funds 08-09.pdf

42-2009 Transfer of Surface Mining Permit # 05-0031.pdf

43-2009 Transfer of Surface Mining Permit # 05-0074.pdf

44-2009 Resolution- Multi Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation Update .pdf

45-2009 Resolution- CCFR.pdf

46-2009 Amend Enforcement Changes.pdf

47-2009 K. Willis to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf

48-2009 Transferring Certain Access Approach Deposits.pdf

49-2009 Conveying Property to Col, Hills Development.pdf

50-2009 A. White to Serve Alcohol @ Camp Wilkerson .pdf

51-2009 Proposed Vacation Washington Way - Leno.pdf

52-2009 Designating Newspaper - Foreclosure properties.pdf

53-2009 Resolution- Modifying Recoding Dates- County Clerks.pdf

54-2009 Appointing Financial Assistance IGA DHS.pdf

55-2009 CDBG #DO8029.pdf

56-2009 Application by John Petersen.pdf

56-2009 Resolution- Appointing New Admin Ambulance Services.pdf

57-2009 Application by John Petersen.pdf

58-2009 Amend Fee Schedule - LDS.pdf

59-2009 Resolution- Low Bid Requirments.pdf

60-2009 Livestock Attack.pdf

62-2009 Petition by Wayne Stevens.pdf

63-2009 Denial of Kennel Application- S. Miller.pdf

64-2009 Amend Fee Schedule - County Clerks.pdf

65-2009 Surplus Property.pdf

67-2009 Application of Columbia 911.pdf

68-2009 Conveying Real Property- Acheson.pdf

69-2009 Approval of Appointment Cuellar-Smith.pdf

70-2009 Appointing HSEMC.pdf

71-2009 Amend Order 51-2009 Washington Way.pdf

72-2009 Increase Various Fees- Animal Control.pdf

73-2009 Resolution- Participation in Special Advocacy Fund.pdf

74-2009 Releasing Surety Bonds.pdf

75-2009 Surplus Property.pdf

76-2009 Approval of Appointment - Herriott.pdf

77-2009 2007 Storm.pdf

78-2009 2007 Storm.pdf

79-2009 Law Enforcement Advisory Committee .pdf

80-2009 Application by Starla Gebbie.pdf

81-2009 Realeasing Surety Bonds.pdf

82-2009 Removal of the Dedication.pdf

83-2009 Surplus Property.pdf

84-2009 Request by Vernon Bolin.pdf

85-2009 Resolution- Hermo Rd Improvements.pdf

86-2009 Amend Order # 39-2004 NW Aggregates.pdf

87-2009 Surplus Property.pdf

88-2009 Title III Projects.pdf

89-2009 Amend Ordinance 94-9.pdf

90-2009 Re-Appointing HSEMC.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes














































12.23.08 ER.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.08.08 WS.pdf

01.22.08 WS.pdf

02.26.08 WS.pdf

03.11.08 WS.pdf

04.08.08 WS.pdf

04.22.08 WS.pdf

06.24.08 WS.pdf

07.08.08 WS.pdf

08.12.08 WS.pdf

08.26.08 WS.pdf

09.09.08 WS.pdf

09.23.08 WS.pdf

10.14.08 WS.pdf

10.28.08 WS.pdf

11.25.08 WS.pdf

Orders Resolutions

1-2008 Livestock Attack.pdf

2-2008 Emergency Construction _ Repair.pdf

3-2008 Kissel Camp Rd.pdf

4-2008 Emergency Construction _ Repair.pdf

5-2008 Travel Permits Community Corrections.pdf

6-2008 Emergency Storm Debris Removal.pdf

7-2008 County Travel Policy .pdf

8-2008 Public Contracts related to '07 Storm.pdf

9-2008 Roads Max Weight.pdf

10-2008 Unmet Needs Committee.pdf

11-2008 Responsibility '07 Storm Debris.pdf

12-2008 Amend Local Rule No. 4.pdf

13-2008 Oregon Curley Willow LLC.pdf

14-2008 Resolution-Exemption Process.pdf

15-2008 Amend Clatskanie RFPD.pdf

15-2008 Clatskanie RFPD.pdf

16-2008 Resolution Hermo Rd Improvments.pdf

17-2008 Western State Development.pdf

18-2008 Resolution Freight Route Improvments.pdf

19-2008 Resolution Freight Route Improvments.pdf

20-2008 Exempting Personal Services.pdf

21-2008 Jurisdiction over Knott St.pdf

22-2008 Resolution Re-designation lower Col. Maritime Enterprise.pdf

23-2008 Resolution Exempting low bid requirments.pdf

24-2008 Garr Harrel.pdf

25-2008 Response during Power Outage.pdf

26-2008 Resolution Unmet needs Committee Fund.pdf

27-2008 Resolution Contract Carter Goble Associates.pdf

28-2008 Resolution OTIA III Bridge.pdf

29-2008 Resolution creating Building Prog. Serv. Fund.pdf

30-2008 Ballot Measure 49.pdf

31-2008 Resolution Assessment- Taxation Grant.pdf

32-2008 Resolution- Bridge on Lost Creek Rd.pdf

33-2008 Contract-Electrical CC Jail.pdf

34-2008 Geraldine Hemeon.pdf

35-2008 Resolution Supporting Amend to Ethics law.pdf

36-2008 Resolution exempting low Bid Requirements.pdf

37-2008 Resolution authorizing transportation grant.pdf

38-2008 Pacific Cascade- Surface Mine Close.pdf

39-2008 Cxl of Uncollected Property Tax.pdf

40-2008 Resolution - Acquiring real prop from State of Oregon .pdf

41-2008 Dave Molony.pdf

42-2008 Proposed Vacation of Road #47 _P47.pdf

43-2008 Resolution Acquiring property for Hermo Rd.pdf

44-2008 Americans w- Disabilities.pdf

45-2008 Civil Rights Act 1964.pdf

46-2008 Hazard Mitigation Grant.pdf

47-2008 Procedures of Personal Sevices.pdf

48-2008 Distribution of Forest Trust Lands.pdf

49-2008 Matters of Distribution Proceeds.pdf

50-2008 Reimbursing Vernonia RFPD.pdf

51-2008 Reimbursing Mist-Birkenfeld RFPD.pdf

52-2008 Resolution Adopt 2008-09 Budget.pdf

53-2008 Resolution Transfer appropriations of 2007-08 Budget.pdf

54-2008 Terra LLC Petition.pdf

55-2008 Resolution Authorize Supplement Budget CC Rider Fund.pdf

56-2008 Operating Permit # 05-0032.pdf

57-2008 Smith _ Kaplan.pdf

58-2008 Resolution bridge Construction over Elk Creek.pdf

59-2008 Resolution Flood damaged homes.pdf

60-2008 Amend Fee's for Public Records Request.pdf

61-2008 Conveying property Salisbury _ Callahoan.pdf

62-2008 Conveying property- Mayo.pdf

63-2008 Conveying property- Owen.pdf

64-2008 Permission to Vernonia School dist.pdf

65-2008 Amend fee schedule for LDS.pdf

66-2008 Authorizing Port of St. Helens Gate.pdf

67-2008 Resolution Acquiring property for Hermo Rd.pdf

68-2008 Resolution 2008-09 appropriaiton changes.pdf

69-2008 Appointing HSEMC members.pdf

70-2008 Surplus CC person property.pdf

71-2008 NW Aggregates.pdf

72-2008 NW Aggregates.pdf

73-2008 Petition by Mike Stone.pdf

74-2008 Amend County Surveyors Fee Schedule.pdf

75-2008 Resolution West Lane Rd improvements.pdf

76-2008 App Affecting solid waste collection customers .pdf

77-2008 Conveying property - Novak.pdf

78-2008 Parking Liberty Hill Rd.pdf

79-2008 Appointing members to HSEMC.pdf

80-2008 Resolution Chad Olsen.pdf

81-2008 Authorize 991 to construct gate.pdf

82-2008 Increase of CC Rider Fares.pdf

83-2008 Resolution Matter of 2008 Elections.pdf

84-2008 Amend OR 94-9.pdf

85-2008 Dog attack on livestock.pdf

86-2008 Vacation of Atkins Rd # 26.pdf

88-2008 Conveying property - Wallace.pdf

89-2008 Resolution single -family- Owner occupied.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.02.07 BOC.pdf

01.10.07 BOC.pdf

01.17.07 BOC.pdf

01.22.07 Joint BOC Planning.pdf

01.24.07 BOC.pdf

01.31.07 BOC.pdf

02.07.07 BOC.pdf

02.14.07 BOC.pdf

02.21.07 BOC.pdf

02.28.07 BOC.pdf

03.07.07 BOC.pdf

03.14.07 BOC.pdf

03.28.07 BOC.pdf

03.29.07 Special Meeting.pdf

04.04.07 BOC.pdf

04.11.07 BOC.pdf

04.18.07 BOC.pdf

04.25.07 BOC.pdf

05.02.07 BOC.pdf

05.09.07 BOC.pdf

05.16.07 BOC.pdf

05.23.07 BOC.pdf

05.30.07 BOC.pdf

06.06.07 BOC.pdf

06.13.07 BOC.pdf

06.14.07 BOC.pdf

06.27.07 BOC.pdf

07.11.07 BOC.pdf

07.18.07 BOC.pdf

07.25.07 BOC.pdf

08.01.07 BOC.pdf

08.08.07 BOC.pdf

08.15.07 BOC.pdf

08.29.047 BOC.pdf

09.05.07 BOC.pdf

09.12.07 BOC.pdf

09.19.07 BOC.pdf

09.26.07 BOC.pdf

10.03.07 BOC.pdf

10.10.07 BOC.pdf

10.24.07 BOC.pdf

10.31.07 BOC.pdf

11.07.07 BOC.pdf

11.21.07 BOC.pdf

11.28.07 BOC.pdf

12.05.07 BOC.pdf

12.12.07 BOC.pdf

12.19.07 BOC.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.09.07 WK Session.pdf

01.23.07 WK Session.pdf

02.13.07 WK Session.pdf

02.27.07 WK Session.pdf

03.13.07 WK Session.pdf

03.27.07 WK Session.pdf

04.10.07 WK Session.pdf

05.22.07 WK Session.pdf

06.12.07 Wk Session.pdf

06.26.07 WK Session.pdf

07.10.07 WK Session.pdf

07.24.07 WK Session.pdf

08.28.07 WK Session.pdf

09.11.07 WK Session.pdf

09.25.07 WK Session.pdf 

10.09.07 WK Session.pdf

10.23.07 WK Session.pdf

11.27.07 WK Session.pdf

12.11.07 WK Session.pdf

Orders Resolutions

1-2007 Order Amending Fee Schedule for Non-Commercial and Commercial Kennel Licenses.pdf

4-2007 Order Appointing a New Administrator of the Columbia County Public Road Event Ordinance.pdf 5-2007 Resolution Approving a Tax Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement dated 12.27.06 with Key Government Finance Inc.pdf

5-2007 Resolution Approving a Tax Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement dated 12.27.06 with Key Government Finance Inc.pdf

6-2007 Final Order Application by the Columbia County Sheriff and Morse Bros Inc. For a Conditional Use Permit, Site Design Review and change in Operating Hours at the Reichold Mining Site.pdf

7-2007 Final Order Application Morse Bros. Inc to Amend Operating Permit 05.0077.pdf

8-2007 Final Order Matter of the Application of Kevin Bender, dba Western States Development for a Non-Resource Dwelling in the Primary Forest Zone.pdf

9-2007 Final Order Matter of the Application of Kevin Bender, dba Western States Development, for 2 Resources Dwellings in the Primary Forest Zone.pdf

10-2007 Order Matter of the Contract for Purchase and Installation of a Furnane for the Family Resource Center.pdf

11-2007 Order Matter CL 07-02 for Compensation Under Measure 37 Don West.pdf

12-2007 Order Findings and Conclusions Pacific Cascade Resources-Sierks Road Site for Renewal of Surface Mining Operating Permit 05-0032.pdf

13-2007 Final Order Terry Deaton for a Modification of a Condition of Parition Approval and Modification of Columbia County road Standards.pdf

14-2007 Order Matter of Amending the Due Date of Dog Licenses.pdf

15-2007 Order Matter of Prohibiting the Parking of Vhechiles along Certain County .pdf

16-2007 Order Matter of Claim No 07-03 Submitted by Richard an Shirley Bloomfeldt Mausre37.pdf

17-2007 Amended Order Matter of Conveying Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 02-01 5133-044-11600 Alice Pierce and Linda Pierce.pdf

17-2007 Order Matter of Conveying Certain County-Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 02-01 5133-044-11600 Alice Pierce and Linda D Pierce.pdf

18-2007 Order Matter of Claim No 07-04 Submitted Emad Al-Attrash for compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

19-2007 Order Matter of the Petition By Columbia Hills Development Company to Rename Certain Public Roads Located in the Hillcrest Subdivision.pdf

20-2007 Order Matter of Closure of Certain County Roads to Heavy Hauling; Limiting Maximum Weight to 10,000 Pounds.pdf

21-2007 Order Initiation Road Vacation.pdf

22-20007 Order CL 07-05 Compensation under Measure 37 Submitted by David Thorvald Erickson and Virginia Carol Erickson.pdf

23-2007 Order Matter of Establishing the Columbia County Executive Session Policy.pdf

24-2007 Order 07-06 Measure 37 .pdf

25-2007 Order 07-15 for Compensation Under Measure 37 Clifford and Diana Multanen.pdf

26-2007 Order Claim No CL 07-12 and CL 07-14 Measure 3.pdf

27-2007 Order Matter of Claim CL 07-13 Compensation under Measure 37 Joshephine Ernest.pdf

28-2007 Order Matter of Designating Maximum Speed to 40 MPH for Fishhawk Road.pdf

30-2007 Order Conveying Certain Real Property off of Honeyman Road To Elmer and Lucille Hinkle.pdf

31-2007 Order CL 07-07 Measure 37 Clay and Lorraine Dawson.pdf

32-2007 Order 07-17 07-18 07-19 07-20 07-21 Measure 37 Ross and Patricia Winans.pdf

33-2007 Order Claim 07-08 Dale Lee and Lucile Lee Measure 37.pdf

33-2007 Order Claim 07-08 Dale Lee and Lucile Lee Measure 37.pdf

34-2007 Order Amending Procedures to Process Applications for Compensation Under Statewide Ballot Measure 37.pdf

35-2007 Order CL 07-09 Measure 37 John J Vlastelicia and Charlotte Vlastelicia.pdf

36-2007 Order 07-29 Measure 37 Hurbert J and Mary Harms.pdf

37-2007 Order CL 07-10 Measure 37 Erickson Enterprises Inc.pdf

38-2007 CL 07-16 Measure 37 Lester and Janice Prouty.pdf

39-2007 Order CL 07-11 Measure 37 John S McCarthy.pdf

41-2007 Order Claim No. 07-30 Dale Lee and Darrell Lee Claim NO 07-31.pdf

42-2007 Order Co-Sponsoring with the City of St. Helens and the City of Columbia City an Application for Re-Designation of the St Helens Columbia City Enterprise Zone.pdf

43-2007 Order Co-Sponsoring the City of St. Helens and the City of Columbia City an Application for Re-Designation of the St. Helens Columbia City Enterprise Zone.pdf

44-2007 Order Participation in Funding Activities of the Oregon Office for Community Dispute Resolution.pdf

45-2007 Order CL 07-41 and CL 07-42 Measure 37 James and Sarah Middleton.pdf

46-2007 Prder CL 07-43 Measure 37 Ruby Leno.pdf

47-2007 Order CL 07-44 Measure 37 Dona Cooke.pdf

48-2007 Order CL07-39 and CL 08-40 Measure 37 Robert Kessi.pdf

49-2007 Order CL 07-47 and CL 07-48 Measure 37 Submitted Fred Luttrell.pdf

50-2007 Order Demolition of Structure Located on County Owned Property Known as Tax Account No. 4313-040-01200.pdf

51.2007 Order CL 07-71 Under Measure 37 Reed Bruegman.pdf

52-2007 Order 07-32 Measure 37 Roy and Joyce Jobin.pdf

53-2007 Order CL 07-38 Measure 37 Robert Kessi.pdf

54-2007 Order CL 07-73 Measure 37 Dean and Patricia Werth.pdf

55-2007 Order CL 07-72 Measure 37 Lorette Wagner.pdf

56-2007 Order CL 07-70 Measure 37 Mark and Marlene Gift.pdf

57-2007 Order CL 07-93 Measure 37 McClellan K Stewart.pdf

58-2007 Order Norman and Mary Jenkerson Measure 37.pdf

59-2007 Order Bendy Ho and Karen Gordon for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

60-2007 Order Ronald W Bone Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

61-2007 Order CL07-69 Compensation Craig and Rhonda Melton.pdf

62-2007 Order Mary Sykes for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

63-2007 Order CL07-34, CL07-35, CL07-36.pdf

64-2007 Order Matter Amending Columbia County Executive Sessions Policy.pdf

65-2007 Order Petition by Matt Isaacson Name a Private Road Clatskanie OR.pdf

66-2007 Order Carolyn Jean Neve for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

67-2007 Order Sheryl Mathews for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

68-2007 Order Charles and Marie Anderson Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

69-2007 Alvin and Audrey Sinner Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

70-2007 Richard and Janet Beebe for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

71-2007 Order Claim No 07-77 .pdf

72-2007 Order Claim No 07-77 John Crosley.pdf

73-2007 Order Claim Nos. CL 07-116 and CL 07-117 By David Wilson Jr.pdf

74-2007 Order Claim No 07-46 .pdf

75-2007 Order Claim No 07-33.pdf

77-2007 Order Claim 07-45.pdf

78-2007 Order Application of Michael Clark for a Conditional Use Permit For a Type II Home Occupation in the Single Family Resident.pdf

79-2007 Order Matter of Designation a Temporary Maximum Speed of 15 MPH for a Portion of Scappoose Vernonia Road.pdf

80-2007 Order Claim No 07-122 .pdf

81-2007 Order Claim No CL 07-52.pdf

82-2007 Order Claim No 07-121.pdf

83-2007 Order Claim No. 07-126.pdf

84-2007 Order Claim No 07-74.pdf

85-2007 Order Claim No 07-51.pdf

86-2007 Order Claim CL 07-78.pdf

87-2007 Order Claim No 07-53.pdf

88-2007 Order Clatskanie Sanitary Service for a Drop Box Rate Increase.pdf

89-2007 Order Amended in Matter of Amending Order No 40-2006 In The Matter of Claim No CL 06-9.pdf

90-2007 Order Amended Matter of Amending Order No 41-2006 and Claim No Cl 05-19,05-20,05-21,05-22.pdf

90-2007 Order Amending Order No 41-2006 In the Matter of Claim No CL 05-19, 05-20,05-21.pdf

91-2007 Order Claim No CL 07-128.pdf

92-2007 Order Matter of Claim No CL 07-85, 07-86, 07-87, 07-88.pdf

93-2007 Order Matter to Claim No CL 07-68.pdf

94-2007 Resolution Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf

95-2007 Order Claim Numbers CL 07-49 and 07-50.pdf

96-2007 Order Conveying Certain Real Property on 4th Street Columbia City Oregon to Marilyn S Yarbor.pdf

97-2007 Order Claim No CL 07-89, 07-90, 07-91, 07-92.pdf

98-2007 Order Matter to Claim No 07-94, 07-96, 07-97, 07-98, 07-99, 07-100, 07-101, 07-102, 07-103, 07-104.pdf

99-2007 Order Claiming CL 07-106, 07-107, 07-108, 07-109, 07-110, 07-111, 07-112, 07-113, 07-114, 07-115.pdf

100-2007 Order Claim No 07-83 and 07-84.pdf

101-2007 Order Closure of Certain Roads in Columbia County to Heavy Hauling.pdf

102-2007 Amended Final Order Application of Scappoose Sand and Gravel Co.pdf

102-2007 Final Order Application of Scappoose Sand and Gravel Co. For a Limited Exemption Mining Certificate to Mine 10 Acres.pdf

103-2007 Order Claim No 07-125.pdf

104-2007 Order Matter of the Abatement of a Nuisance Created by the Accumulation of Sold Waste Tax Id 4119-014-001400.pdf

105-2007 Order Application of Pacific Cascade Resources.pdf

107-2007 Order Exempting Contract for Purchase and Installation of Microwave Transmission Equipment for CC Rider.pdf

108-2007 Resolution Adopting the Columbia County Community Corrections.pdf

109-2007 Order Certificate to Mine 10 acres Scappoose Sand and Gravel.pdf

110-2007 Resolution Matter of the 2007 Election.pdf

111-2007 Order Activities at Camp Wilkerson .pdf

112-2007 Order Adopting a Policy Regarding Chemical Agents and Use of Force .pdf

113-2007 Order Matter of the Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275.275.pdf

114-2007 Order Matter of the Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

115-2007 Order Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District.pdf

116-2007 Order Reimbursing Misti Birkenfeld Rural Rural Fire Protection.pdf

117-2007 Resolution Adoption of the Columbia County Budget.pdf

119-2007 Order Forest and Geraldine Hemeon for a Land Partition.pdf

120-2007 Order Fred Luttrel.pdf

121-2007 Order Matter of Amending the Personal Services Contracting Rule.pdf

122-2007 Order Amending Local Rule No 4 Under Ordinance 88-3.pdf

123-2007 Resolution Matter of Appointing William L Boysen as Justice of the Peace Pro Tempore .pdf

124-2007 Order Matter of the Applications of Fred Luttrell Trust for 5 Conditional Use Permits for Non Resource Dwellings in the Primary Agriculture.pdf

125-2007 Order Matter of Designating a Temporary Maximum Speed of 15 MPH for a Portion of Scappoose Vernonia Road.pdf

126-2007 Order Amending the Fee Schedule for Services Provided by the Columbia county Surveyor's Office.pdf

128-2007 Order Matter of Granting Permission to Vernonia School District to Conduct Archery and BB Gun Classes at Camp Wilkerson.pdf

129-2007 Resolution Supporting Sustainable Management of Oregon's Public Forest.pdf

131-2007 Order Exempting Personals Services Contract for the Provision of Consulting Project Management Services From the Screening and Selection Procedures of the Personal Service Contracting Rule.pdf

132-2007 Resolution Matter of Acquiring a Slope Easement and a Right of Way Easement for Hermo Road Improvements.pdf

133-2007 Resolution Matter of Acquiring a Temporary Construction Easement and Right of Way Easement for Hermo Road Improvements from Martin and Deborah Greely.pdf

134-2007 Order Matter of the Appointment of Lea L. Kear as Deputy District Attorney.pdf

135-2007 Resolution New BLM Land Management Plans for O_C and Related Lands in Western Oregon.pdf

136-2007 Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property on Bonneville Drive Scappoose OR to Oregon Curly Willow LLC.pdf

137-2007 Proposed Legalization of a Portion of County Road D commonly know as West Lane Road.pdf

138-2007 Resolution Acquiring a Temporary Construction Easement and a Right of Way Easement for Hermo Road Improvements from Lower Columbia Tree Farm LLC.pdf

139-2007 Order Authorizing Amendment Number 3 to the Loan from the Special Public Works Fund for Port Westward Road Improvements.pdf

140-2007 Order Appointing a Financial Assistance Administrator for the 2007-2009 Intergovernmental Agreement with DHS.pdf

141-2007 Order Amending Rules and Regulations for the Use of Columbia County Docks.pdf

142-2007 Order Prohibiting Unauthorized Use of Motorized Vehicles on the Crown Zellerbach Trail.pdf

143-2007 Resolution Hermo Road Improvements from Helen Velva Cook.pdf

144-2007 Resolution Right of Way the Bridge Replacement on Chapman Grange Road.pdf

145-2007 Resolution Acquiring a Perpetual Right of Way Easement and Permanent Slope Easement from Brenda Foey and a Perpetual Right of Way Easement on Chapman Grange Road.pdf

146-2007 Resolution Assessing the Costs of the Abatement of the Nuisance Created by the Accumulation of Solid Waste on Tax Lot 4119 014 001400 by Leland Ebert.pdf

147-2007 Order Matter of the Application of McDaniel Cellular Telephone Company for the Modification of Prior Approval on US Cellular Corporation .pdf

149-2007 Order Matter of Legalization of a Portion of County Road D commonly known as West Lane Road.pdf

150-2007 Order Matter of the Proposed Vacation of a Portion of Bonneville Drive Near Scappoose Oregon and Accepting the Dedication of Additional Right of Way Along Benneville Drive.pdf

151-2007 Order Matter of Establishing a Interim Procedure to Make Vesting Determinations Under Oregon Statewide Ballot Measure 49.pdf

153-2007 Matter of Declaring an Emergency and Awarding a Public Contract for Emergency Construction and Repair Work.pdf

154-2007 Order Authorizing Reduced Development Permit Fees for Victims of the 2007 Event.pdf

155-2007 Order Authorizing the Expenditure of County Funds on Local Access Roads within Columbia County Due to Emergency Conditions.pdf

156-2007 Order Authorizing the Waiver of Grade and Fill Permit Fees for Debris Removal Associated with Landslide Activity Following the 2007 Pacific Storm Event.pdf

157-2007 Resolution Acquiring a Permanent Drainage and Slope Easement from the Estate of Franciene Urban for the Bridge Replacement on Chapman Grange Road.pdf

158-2007 Order Amending the Rules and Regulations and Fee Schedule Governing Columbia County Forests, Parks, Beaches, Docks, and Other Rec Facilities Subject to Ordinance No 94-9.pdf

159-2007 Order Matter of Exempting a Personal Services Control for the Provision of Architecture Services from the Screening and Selection Procedures of the Personal Services Contracting.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.03.06 BOC.pdf

01.11.06 BOC.pdf

01.18.06 BOC.pdf

01.25.06 BOC.pdf

02.01.06 BOC.pdf

02.15.06 BOC.pdf

02.22.06 BOC.pdf

03.01.06 BOC.pdf

03.08.06 BOC.pdf

03.15.06 BOC.pdf

03.22.06 BOC.pdf

03.29.06 BOC.pdf

04.05.06 BOC.pdf

04.12.06 BOC.pdf

04.19.06 BOC.pdf

04.26.06 BOC.pdf

05.03.06 BOC.pdf

05.10.06 BOC.pdf

05.17.06 BOC.pdf

05.31.06 BOC.pdf

06.07.06 BOC.pdf

06.14.06 BOC.pdf

06.21.06 BOC.pdf

06.28.06 BOC.pdf

07.05.06 BOC.pdf

07.12.06 BOC.pdf

07.19.06 BOC.pdf

07.26.06 BOC.pdf

08.02.06 BOC.pdf

08.09.06 BOC.pdf

08.16.06 BOC.pdf

08.23.06 BOC.pdf

08.30.06 BOC.pdf

09.06.06 BOC.pdf

09.13.06 BOC.pdf

09.20.06 BOC.pdf

09.27.06 BOC.pdf

10.04.06 BOC.pdf

10.11.06 BOC.pdf

10.18.06 BOC.pdf

10.25.06 BOC.pdf

11.01.06 BOC.pdf

11.08.06 BOC.pdf

11.22.06 BOC.pdf

11.29.06 BOC.pdf

12.06.06 BOC.pdf

12.13.06 BOC.pdf

12.15.06 Emergency BOC.pdf

12.20.06 BOC.pdf

12.27.06 BOC.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.10.06 WK Session.pdf

01.24.06 WK Session.pdf

02.08.06 WK Session.pdf

02.14.06 WK Session.pdf

02.28.06 WK Session.pdf

03.14.06 Wk Session.pdf

03.28.06 WK Session.pdf

04.11.06 WK Session.pdf

04.25.06 WK Session.pdf

05.23.06 WK Session.pdf

06.13.06 WK Session.pdf

06.27.06 WK Session.pdf

07.11.06 WK Session.pdf

07.25.06 WK Session.pdf

08.08.06 WK Session.pdf

09.26.06 WK Session.pdf

10.10.06 WK Session.pdf

11.28.06 WK Session.pdf

Orders Resolutions

1-2006 Order Matter of Recording Satisfaction of Liens for Blaha Road Improvements without Cost.pdf

2-2006 Order Matter of Extending the Franchise Agreement for the Columbia County Transfer Station and Waste Management of Oregon.pdf

4-2006 Order Amending Matter of Establishing Fees for Mediation Services in Certain Domestic Relations Cases.pdf

5-2006 Resolution Matter of Declaration of a State of Emergency due to Severe Weather Events.pdf

6-2006 Resolution Matter of Authorizing Brian Little to Negotiate and Sign an Extended Enterprise Zone Agreement with Pacific Stainless Products Inc.pdf

7-2006 Order Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property to the Columbia Hills Development Company.pdf

8-2006 Order Matter of Amending the Procedure for Vacation of Pubic Property.pdf

9-2006 Order Matter of Leasing County Owned Oil and Gas Rights for Exploration and Production.pdf

10-2006 Resolution Matter Authorizing an Amendment to the Loan from the Special Public Works Fund for the Columbia County Transfer Station.pdf

11-2006 Order Finalizing Vacation Proceedings and Accepting Dedication.pdf

12-2006 Order Matter of Declaring an Emergency and Awarding a Public Contract for Emergency Construction and Repair Work.pdf

13-2006 Amended Order Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Law Enforcement Local Option Tax Levy.pdf

13-2006 Order Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Law Enforcement Local Option Tax Levy.pdf

14-2006 Final Order Matter of Application by Forest Systems LLC for a New Surface Mining Operating Permit 05-0079 at the Oak Ranch Quarry.pdf

15-2006 Order Matter of Increasing Various Fees for Columbia County Animal Control Services.pdf

16-2006 Order Matter of Adding Fee for Services Provided by Columbia County Animal Control.pdf

17-2006 Order Matter of Declaring an Emergency and Awarding a Public Contract for Emergency Construction and Repair Work.pdf

18-2006 Resolution Matter of Appointing Delegates to Apply for and Accept Federal Grant Funds Under 49 USC Section 5309.pdf

19-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-24 and 05-25 Compensation Under Measure 37 submitted by Donald Dahl and Diana Dahl.pdf

20-2006 Order Matter of Transferring Certain Access Approach Deposits from the County treasure's Deposit Fund to the County Road Fund.pdf

21-2006 Order Matter of Amending the Rules and Regulations and Fee Schedule for the Use of Columbia County Forests, Parks, Beaches, Docks, and Other Recreational Facilities Subject to Ordinance No 94-9.pdf

22-2006 Resolution Matter of Maintaining Funding for Law Enforcement Purposes.pdf

23-2006 Order Matter of Waiving Recording Fees for the Recording of Documents for or on Behalf of Columbia County.pdf

24-2006 Order In Matter of Claim No CL 06-05 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Stephen M Edney and Sally Edney, trustees for the Edney Family Living Trust.pdf

25-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 06-12 for compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Dayle Cox, Doris M Buchholz, and Robert Buchholz.pdf

26-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-30 and CL 05-30A Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Francis D Martin.pdf

27-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-29 for Compensation Under Measure 37 submitted by Francis D Martin.pdf

28-2006 Order Matter of Claim No Cl 05-31 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Francis D Martin.pdf

29-2006 Order Matter of Accepting a Deed from the Port of St. Helens.pdf

30-2006 Order Matter of Claim Numbers CL 06-01, 06-02, 06-03, and 06-04 Submitted by Lenske Properties LLC for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

31-2006 Order Matter of Declaring Certain Access Approach Deposits Forfeited and Transferring said Deposits from the County .pdf

32-2006 Resolution Matter of the 2006 Election to Receive O _ C Land Related Safety-Net Payments Under P.L. 106-393.pdf

33-2006 Order Matter of Approval of Appointment of Sara Snyder As Deputy District Attorney.pdf

35-2006 Resolution Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf

37-2006 Order Matter of Designation the Month of May as Workforce Development Professionals Month.pdf

40-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-9 Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Forrest and Geraldine Hemeon.pdf

41-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-19, 05-20, 05-21, and 05-22 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Fred Luttrel.pdf

42-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 06-14 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by James A Smejkal.pdf

43-2006 Matter of Claim No CL 06-13 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by James A Smejkal, Trustee, Antone F. Smejkal and Louise J. Smejkal Trust dated March 5, 1974.pdf

44-2006 Order Matter of Claim No. CL 06-15 and CL 06-16 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Paul L Thayer and Laura R Thayer.pdf

46-2006 Order Matter of Amending the Fee Schedule for Services Provided by the Columbia County Surveyor's Office.pdf

47-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 06-07 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Hillcrest Investments, Ltd..pdf

48-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 06-8 for Compensation Under Measure 37 submitted by Robert and Elaine Erickson.pdf

49-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 06-10 for Compensation Under Measure 37 submitted by Erickson Enterprises, Inc..pdf

50-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 06-11 for Compensation under Measure 37 Submitted by Erickson Enterprises, Inc..pdf

51-2006 Order Matter of Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

52-2006 Order Matter of the Distribution of Proceeds Under ORS 275.275.pdf

53-2006 Order Matter of reimbursing the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275 (2).pdf

54-2006 Order Matter of Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275 (2).pdf

55-2006 Resolution Matter of Adoption of the Columbia County Budget for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf

56-2006 Amended Resolution Matter of Transferring Appropriations with the Various Funds of the 2005-2006 Columbia County Budget.pdf

57-2006 Order Matter of Approving Benefits for Non-Represented County Employees Who are Otherwise Eligible to Receive County Employee Benefits.pdf

58-2006 Order Matter of Amending Planning Fees For the Land Development Services Department.pdf

59-2006 Order Matter of Amending On Site Program Fees For The Land Development Services Department.pdf

60-2006 Order Matter of the Approval of Appointment of Denise E Keppinger As Deputy District Attorney.pdf

62-2006 Order Matter of Authorizing Columbia 911 Communications District to Construct a Gate in the Right of Way of Lookout County Road.pdf

63-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-30B for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Farancis D Martin.pdf 64-2006 Order Matter of the Approval of Appointment of Kimberlyn Silverman As Deputy District Attorney.pdf

65-2006 Amended Order Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Law Enforcement Local Option Tax Levy.pdf

65-2006 Order Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Law Enforcement Local Option Tax Levy.pdf

66-2006 Resolution Matter of Maintaining Funding for Law Enforcement Purposes.pdf

67-2006 Final Order Matter of the Application by Benjamin and Amber Bruce for a Conditional Use Permit to Build a Dwelling in the FA-19 Zone.pdf

68-2006 Resolution Matter of Appointing William L Boysen as Justice of the Peace Pro Tempore for the Clatskanie Vernonia Justice Court.pdf

69-2006 Order Matter of Adopting a Policy Regarding the Issuance of Firearms and the Use of Force by the Department of Community Corrections.pdf

70-2006 Order Matter of Accepting the Dedication of Additional Right of Way Along Miller Road Scappoose Oregon From the City of Scappoose.pdf

71-2006 Resolution Matter of Acquiring Slope Easements and a Right of Way Easement for Van Street Road Improvement.pdf

72-2006 Order Matter of Sponsoring the Columbia County Cultural Coalition as a County Board.pdf

73-2006 Order Matter of Imposing a Civil Penalty Against Wendy Hart for Livestock chase and Kill Adopting Findings and Conclusions and Authorizing Action.pdf

74-2006 Order Matter of Making ORS 167.315, 167.320, 167.325, 167.330, 167.340 and 607.045 Enforceable under the Columbia County Enforcement Ordinance and Issuing a Letter of Authority Therefor.pdf

75-2006 Order Matter of the Claim for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Franciece Urban.pdf

76-2006 Order Matter of Claim 06-18 Submitted by David and Carolyn Young for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

77-2006 Final Order Matter of Application of Donald and Diana Dahl for a Variance from the Columbia County Subdivision and Partitioning Ordinance.pdf

78-2006 Order Matter of Setting a Fee for an Outdoor Mass Gathering Permit.pdf

79-2006 Order Matter of Authorizing Filing a Civil Penalty and Fees against Wendy Hart in the Columbia County Lien Records For Failure to Pay.pdf

80-2006 Resolution Authorizing the Issuance Negotiated Sale and Delivery of General Obligation Refunding Bongs.pdf

81-2006 Order Matter of the Proposed Vacation of All of Four Platted Rights of Way and a Portion of Several More with Hillcrest Parts 3 and 4 Subdivisions Near Scappoose Oregon.pdf

82-2006 Order Transferring Certain Access Approach Deposits from the County Treasure's Deposit Fund to the County Road Fund.pdf

83-2006 Resolution Matter of Authorizing The Issuance, Negotiated Sale and Delivery of General Obligation Refunding Bonds.pdf

84-2006 Resolution Matter of Approving a Tax Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement dated 10.13.2006 with Key Government Finance, Inc..pdf

85-2006 Order Matter of Appointing the Administrator and Adopting an Application form-Under the Columbia County Outdoor Mass Gathering Ordinance.pdf

86-2006 Order Matter of the Sale of Real Property Acquired by Columbia County Referred to as Tax Account NO 01-01 3202-044-00600.pdf

87-2006 Order Matter of Leasing Underground Gas Storage Rights.pdf

88-2006 Order Claim No CL 06-19 Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Earl Gene Gross.pdf

89-2006 Order Matter of Claim CL 06-20 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Bob Cicerchi.pdf

90-2006 Order Findings and Conclusions Renewal of Surface Mining Operating Permits and Limited Exemption Certificates For the Period 2006-2011.pdf

91-2006 Order Matter of Transferring Certain Access Approach Deposits from the County Treasurers Deposit Fund to the County Road Fund.pdf

92-2006 Final Order Matter of the Application by Charlene Washbourn for a Temporary Permit to Use a Garage as a Dwelling to Care for an Incapacitated Relative.pdf

93-2006 Order Accepting the Dedication of Additional Right of Way Along Division Road, St. Helens Oregon from Christ Episcopal Church.pdf

94-2006 Resolution Matter of Acquiring Right of Way for Van Street Road Improvements from John Schroeder.pdf

95-2006 Order Matter of Declaring Certain Personal Property Owned by Columbia county To Be Surplus To The County's Needs and Directing the Sale Thereof.pdf

96-2006 Order Matter of Claim for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Dixie Blaha Trustee of Joseph F Blaha Credit Shelter Trust.pdf

97-2006 Order Matter of Claim Number CL 06-23 Submitted by Dixie Blaha, Trustee, for the Joseph F Blaha Credit Shelter Trust.pdf

98-2006 Order Matter of Authorizing Kevin and Jennifer Bernt to Construct a Gate in the Right of Way of Old Clatskanie-Rainier Road.pdf

99-2006 Order Matter of Claim No CL 06-24 Compensation Under Measure 37 Submitted by Penny Leader.pdf

100-2006 Order Matter of Conveying Certain Real Property to the Shriners Hospital for Children.pdf

101-2006 Resolution Matter of Acquiring Right of Way from Mayger-Quincy Road Improvements from Ross and Christine Barkhurst.pdf

102-2006 Matter of the Approval of Appointment of Mark L Moore as Deputy County Surveyor.pdf

103-2006 Resolution Matter of Declaring of a State of Emergency do to server weather events.pdf

104-2006 Order CL 07-01 Compensation under Measure 37 Robert Smejkal .pdf

105-2006 Order Acquiring Rights of Way for Mayger-Quincy Road Improvements from Gary and Loretta Viuhkola.pdf

106-2006 Order conveying Certain Real Property on Bella Vista Drive Scappoose to Loren Hayes and Dana Hayes.pdf

108-2006 Order Temporarily Prohibiting the Parking of Vehicles Along a Portion of Pittsburg County Roads.pdf

Board Meeting Minutes

01.03.05 BOC.pdf

01.12.05 BOC.pdf

01.19.05 BOC.pdf

01.26.05 BOC.pdf

02.09.05 BOC.pdf

02.16.05 BOC.pdf

02.17.05 BOC.pdf

02.23.05 BOC.pdf

03.02.05 BOC.pdf

03.09.05 BOC.pdf

03.16.05 BOC.pdf

03.23.05 BOC.pdf

03.30.05 BOC.pdf

04.06.05 BOC.pdf

04.13.05 BOC.pdf

04.20.05 BOC.pdf

04.27.05 BOC.pdf

05.04.05 BOC.pdf

05.11.05 BOC.pdf

05.12.05 BOC.pdf

05.18.05 BOC.pdf

05.25.05 BOC.pdf

06.01.05 BOC.pdf

06.08.05 BOC.pdf

06.15.05 BOC.pdf

06.22.05 BOC.pdf

06.29.05 BOC.pdf

07.06.05 BOC.pdf

07.13.05 BOC.pdf

07.20.05 BOC.pdf

07.27.05 BOC.pdf

08.03.05 BOC.pdf

08.10.02 BOC.pdf

08.17.05 BOC.pdf

08.24.05 BOC.pdf

08.31.05 BOC.pdf

09.07.05 BOC.pdf

09.14.05 BOC.pdf

09.21.05 BOC.pdf

09.28.05 BOC.pdf

10.05.05 BOC.pdf

10.12.05 BOC.pdf

10.19.05 BOC.pdf

10.26.05 BOC.pdf

11.02.05 BOC.pdf

11.09.05 BOC.pdf

11.23.05 BOC.pdf

12.07.05 BOC.pdf

Work Session Minutes

01.11.05 WK Session.pdf

01.25.05 WK Session.pdf

02.02.05 WK Session.pdf

02.08.05 WK Session.pdf

02.22.05 WK Session.pdf

04.12.05 WK Session.pdf

05.10.05 WK Session.pdf

05.24.05 WK Session.pdf

06.14.05 WK Session.pdf

06.28.05 WK Session.pdf

07.12.05 WK Session.pdf

07.26.05 WK Session.pdf

08.09.05 WK Session.pdf

08.23.05 WK Session.pdf

09.27.05 WK Session.pdf

10.25.05 WK Session.pdf

11.08.05 WK Session.pdf

11.22.05 WK Session.pdf

12.13.05 WK Session.pdf

Orders Resolutions

2-2005 Order Matter of Adopting a Public Records Policy and Exempting Specific Public Records From the Provisions of the Policy.pdf 3-2005 Order Matter of Authorizing the County Road Official to Perform Road Maintenance on Theis Drive, a Local Access Road in Columbia County.pdf

5-2005 Order Matter of the Petition by Earnest and Elizabeth Happala to Name a Private Road Located in the Rural Residential zone off of Honeyman Road in Scappoose Jay Davis Lane.pdf

6-2005 Order Matter of Adopting New Rules and Regulations for the Use of Columbia County Forest, Parks, Beaches, Docks, and Other Recreational Facilities.pdf

7-2005 Order Matter of Adopting the State of Oregon Building Code and Specialty Codes.pdf

8-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County-Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 02-01 4104-013-06800 to Allen D Jilson.pdf

9-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Know as Tax Account No 05-10 8329-010-00400UI to Nels C. Christensen and Mona L. Christensen.pdf

10-2005 Resolution Matter of Participation in funding Activities of the Oregon Office for Community Dispute Resolution.pdf

11-2005 Order Matter of the Recording of a Statement of Claim Concerning a Mineral Interest Held by Columbia County in Tax Account No 01-01 3212-014-06500.pdf

12-2005 Resolution Matter of Authorizing Columbia County Forest, Parks, and Recreation to Apply for a Local Government Grant.pdf

14-2005 Resolution Matter of the Application of Columbia County to Participate in the Assessment and Taxation Grant.pdf

15-2005 Order matter of the Proposal by Environmental Waste System Inc dba Hudson Garbage Service and Clatskanie Sanitary Service.pdf

16-2005 Order Matter of awarding Contracts for the Sale of Carcus Creek Logs.pdf

17-2005 Amended Order.pdf

17-2005 Order Matter of the Final Assessment Roll for the Blaha Road Improvement Project.pdf

18-2005 Final Order Matter of the Applications of Ardeshir Talebi for a Modification of the Columbia County Road Standards.pdf

19-2005 Order Matter of Surrendering Jurisdiction Over Those Portions of Clara Cleveland County Road.pdf

20-2005 Resolution Matter of the 2005 election to receive O_C Land Related Safety Net Payments Under PL 106-393.pdf

21-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 04-03 4512-000-01200 To Richard E Cook.pdf

22-2005 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-02 05-03 05-04 Submitted by Wayne and Catherine Stevens for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

23-2005 Amended Resolution Matter of the Adoption of he Columbia County Budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf

24-2005 Final Order Matter of the Application by Lowell MacGre for Group LLC for a Temporary Permit to conduct the 2005 Summer Concert Series at the Reichold Site Columbia Meadows.pdf

25-2005 Resolution Matter of Adopting the Columbia County Community Corrections 2005-2007 Biennial Plan.pdf

26-2005 Matter of Designation and Authorizing the Director of the Commission on Children and Families to make Sole-Source Determinations for commission Funded Comtracts.pdf

27-2005 Resolution Matter of Eliminating a Loan of Funds from the General Fund to the Animal Control Fund.pdf

28-2005 Order Matter of Appointing the Administrator of the Columbia County Public Road Event Ordinance.pdf

29-2005 Order Matter of Claim Number CL 05-05 Raymond and Stephen Barrett for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

31-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 03-12 6210-000-00609 Franklin Simmons and Debbie A Hobbins.pdf

32-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 03-16-7321-030-000602 Richard E Parsons.pdf

34-2005 Order Matter of Conveying a Temporary Construction Easement to Columbia City Oregon for the Use of a Portion of Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account 5128-042-00900.pdf

35-2005 Resolution and Order Matter of Electing to Have Certain Revenues disposed of Under ORS 530.110(1).pdf

36-2005 Order Matter of the Distribution of Forest Trust Land Revenues.pdf

37-2005 Order Matter of the Distribution of Proceeds Under ORA 275.275.pdf

38-2005 Order Matter of Reimbursing the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275.275(2).pdf

39-2005 Order Matter of Reimbursing the Vernonia Rural Fire Protection District Pursuant to ORS 275-275 (2).pdf

40-2005 Order Matter of Claim Number CL 05-06 Submitted by the Rainier Rod and Gun Club Under Measure 37.pdf

41-2005 Final Order Matter of the Application by Morse Bros., Inc. for Two Temporary Permits to Operate a Temporary Ready Mix Concrete Batch Plant During Construction of the Port Westward Power Plant.pdf

42-2005 Resolution Matter of Authorizing Supplemental Budgets for Columbia County Funds.pdf

43-2005 Resolution Matter of the Adoption of the Columba County Budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 and the Appropriation and Levying of Ad Valorem Taxes.pdf

44-2005 Resolution Matter of Transferring Appropriations within the Various Funds of the 2004-2005 Columbia County Budget.pdf

45-2005 Order Matter of Claim NO CL 05-12 for compensation under Measure 37 by Jeff and Marilyn Yarbor.pdf

46-2005 Order Matter of Awarding the Contract for the Provision of General Public and Elderly and Disabled Transportation Services in Columbia County to Metro West Ambulance.pdf

47-2005 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-11, 05-13, 05-14, 05-15, 05-16, 05-17 Jeff Yarbor Measure 37.pdf

48-05 Amended Order Matter of Appointing a Financial Assistance Administrator for the 2005-2007 Intergovernmental Agreement with DHS.pdf

48-05 Order Matter of Appointing a Financial Assistance Administrator for the 2005-2007 Intergovernmental Agreement with DHS.pdf

49-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Known As Tax Account No 05-10 8330-000-00200 to Jerry D Gann and Katherine M Gann.pdf

50-2005 Resolution Matter of Authorizing the Issuance of a Limited Tax Pension Bond Series 2005.pdf

51-2005 Order matter of Conveying Certain County-Owned Real Properties Know as Tax Account Nos. 04-01-4405-014-13800 and 04-01 4404-023-03700 to the City of Vernonia.pdf

52-2005 Order Matter of the Request by William and Mary Ann Hammerback for a Modification from the Columbia County Road Standards for the Un-Named Roadway to be Dedicated Through Minor Partition MP 04-25.pdf

53-2005 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-08 Submitted by Mary M Thompson et al,. under Ballot Measure 37.pdf

54-2005 Order Matter of a Closure Order for the Lammi Sand and Rock Products Surface Mine .pdf

55-2005 Matter of Claim No CL 05-09 for Compensation under Measure 37 by James Ray.pdf

56-2005 Order Matter of Amending the Public Records Policy, Exempting Specific Public Records for the Provisions fo the Policy and Incorporation the Fee Schedule.pdf

57-2005 Order Matter of Re-Dedication Property owned by the Columbia County as Additional Right-of-Way for Pubic Road and Utility Purposes.pdf

58-2005 Final Order Matter of the Application of James and Willa Morrison for a Conditional Use Permit to Site a Single Family Dwelling in the Forest Agriculture F19 Zone.pdf

59-2005 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-23 Compensation Under Measure 37 Filed By Reed Carl Bruegman.pdf

60-2005 Order Matter of Calling an Election to Consider the Columbia County Law Enforcement Local Option Tax Levy.pdf

61-2005 Resolution Matter of Maintaining Funding for Law Enforcement Purposes.pdf

62-2005 Resolution Matter of Establishing a Refund Reserve Account under ORS 311.807.pdf

64-2005 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-10 for Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by George and Myrna McGinnis.pdf

65-2005 Order Matter of the Petition by Bonnie Heikkila to Name a Private Road off Orr Road in Rainer .pdf

66-2005 Order Matter of the Cancellation of Delinquent Real and Personal Property Taxes Interest and Penalties Pursuant to ORS 311-795.pdf 67-2005 Order Matter of Amending the Policy Governing the Issuance of Temporary Travel Permits to Person Supervised by the Department of Community Corrections.pdf

68-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 02-08 235-000-03200 to Suellen Rinker and Michael Howard.pdf

69-2005 Order Matter of Transferring Certain Access Approach Deposits from the County Treasure's Deposit Fund to the County Road Fund.pdf

70-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account No 02-08 5210-010-00299 to Jean L Cheek.pdf

71-2005 Order Matter of Authorizing the Animal Control Officer and Animal Control Staff to Collect Fees for Dog License Applications.pdf

72-2005 Order Matter of Authorizing the Public Works Director To Approve a Certificate of Occupancy Prior to Completion of an Access Approach and to Extend the Forfeiture Deadline for Access Approach Permits.pdf

74-2005 matte of Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of an Intergovernmental agreement between the Rainier Economic Development Council and Columbia City.pdf

75-2005 Order Matter of Claim No CL 05-18 Compensation under Measure 37 submitted by Jeanne Sherer.pdf

76-2005 Order Matter of Selling Certain County Owned Real Property Known as Tax Account 01-08 4234-030-00200 to Keith and Gladys Carpenter Trust.pdf

77-2005 Order Matter of Authorizing an Amendment to the Loan from the Special Public Works Fund for Port Westward Road Improvements.pdf

78-2005 Order Matter of Waiving Recording Fees for the Recording of an Easement and Dedication Deed.pdf

79-2005 Order Matter of Claim Number CL 05-27 and 05-28 Submitted by Asburry Family LLC for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

80-2005 Order Matter of Claim Number CL 05-26 Submitted by the Kenneth r Asburry Family Trust for Compensation Under Measure 37.pdf

81-2005 Order Matter of Renewing the Franchises for Ambulance Services to Columbia River Fire and Rescue for Service Areas 3 St. Helens and 4 Rainier.pdf

82-2005 Order Matter of Renewing a Franchise for Ambulance Services to the Scappoose Rural Fire Protection district for Service Area 2.pdf

83-2005 Order Matter of Renewing a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Metro West Ambulance Service for Service Area 7.pdf

84-2005 Order Matter of Renewing a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Mist-Birkendeld Rural Fire Protection District for Service Area 6.pdf

85-2005 Order Matter of Renewing a Franchise for Ambulance Services to Clatskanie Rural Fire Protection District for Service 5.pdf

86-2005 Order Matter of Petition by Pat Griffith to Name a Private Road located in Vernonia, Oregon at Elk Run Place.pdf